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Priority Phase I – Feb 18, 2011 thru Aug 18, 2011 1Improve Geometry- make OSM linework coincident with RLIS 2 Add Additional Linework: Trails.shp, bicycle.shp,

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Presentation on theme: "Priority Phase I – Feb 18, 2011 thru Aug 18, 2011 1Improve Geometry- make OSM linework coincident with RLIS 2 Add Additional Linework: Trails.shp, bicycle.shp,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Priority Phase I – Feb 18, 2011 thru Aug 18, 2011 1Improve Geometry- make OSM linework coincident with RLIS 2 Add Additional Linework: Trails.shp, bicycle.shp, pedestrian paths, major waterways 3Verify Directionality for bicycle routing 4Verify Turn Restrictions for bicycle routing Priority Phase II 5Turn restrictions – physical and legal for driving Not Included Addresses Loc_Ids (only for segments we are editing, not all of them) OSM Improvements

2 ShapefileOSM Point, Line or Polygon File Everything in one data model, more similar to geodatabase PointNode LineWay PolygonClosed Way (beg xy = end xy) or Relation AttributeTag Layer file (point, line or poly)Relation (can include nodes and ways) Edit SessionChange Set Copy of shapefile for editingSandbox copy of OSM data for playing Tools for Editing: ESRI ArcMap Tools for Editing: ESRI ArcMap, JOSM, Potlatch, Merkaartor, MapZen, Quantum GIS, Osmosis Topology ToolsValidation Tools (JOSM) OSM Glossary

3 OSM PDX Google Group

4 On-line Google Doc

5 Procedures to create coincidence linework between OSM and RLIS and to bring in new linework including: streets, trails.shp, bicycle.shp, pedestrian paths, major waterways 1. Create a DIFF File a.In ArcMap, create 10’ buffer @ all RLIS streets and dissolve b.Query for all OSM ways that are inside the buffer c.Reverse selection and export to new DIFF shapefile d.Convert shapefile to OSM for use in JOSM (ArcMap 10 OSM Editor has bugs) 2. Create Reclass File Create a new RLIS file with OSM attributes OSM Editing Procedures

6 RLIS AttributeOSM KeyOSM Values localidRLIS:localid leftadd1DELETE leftadd2DELETE rgtadd1DELETE rgtadd2DELETE fdprename_direction_prefix fnamename_base ftypename_type fdsufname_direction_suffix name"fdpre fname ftype fdsuf" lzipzip_left rzipzip_right lcityDELETE rcityDELETE lcountyDELETE rcountyDELETE cfccDELETE classDELETE drctonewayyes if 2 or 3, no if 1, null if 0 flip_directionyes if drct was 3, no if drct was 2, otherwise null leadzeroDELETE quirkDELETE sideDELETE sourceDELETE strucDELETE subareaDELETE typehighwaysee types createdateDELETE updatedateDELETE lownerDELETE rownerDELETE Shape_LengDELETE Create Reclass File

7 TypeDescriptionOSM Tags Key 1Value 1Key 2Value 2 1110Freeway.highwaymotorway 1120Ramps, interchanges and feeders.highway*_linkoneway* 1121On ramp (only).highway*_linkonewayyes 1122Off ramp (only).highway*_linkonewayyes 1123On/off ramp.highway*_linkonewayno 5101Freeway with rapid transit (i.e. MAX or streetcar).highwaymotorwayrailwaylight_rail 3100Trail.highwayfootway 3200Path.highwaypath 3210Pedestrian walkway.highwaypedestrian 3230Stairway.highwaysteps 3250Off street bikeway.highwaycycleway track 1760 Private Road with NO Valid Address Range or Street Name. (Portland only, subarea = 'P').highwayunclassifiedaccessprivate 1200Highway.highwaytrunk 1221Local street to freeway/highway on ramp (only) (Portland only, subarea = 'P').highwaymotorway_linkonewayyes 1222Freeway/Highway to local street off ramp (only) (Portland only, subarea = 'P').highwaymotorway_linkonewayyes 1223 Freeway/Highway to local street on/off ramp (combination) (Portland only, subarea = 'P').highwaymotorway_linkonewayno 1300Primary arterial.highwayprimary 1400Secondary arterial.highwaysecondary 1450Major residential (cartographic).highwayresidential 1500Minor residential (unclassified).highwayresidential 1521Local street to local street connector (Portland only, subarea = 'P').highwaytertiary_link 1550 Minor residential street (unclassified), named but without addresses (Clackamas Co. only, subarea = 'C')highwayresidential 1560 Minor residential street (unclassified), unamed and without addresses (Clackamas Co. only, subarea = 'C')highwayresidentialunnamedyes Create Reclass File

8 Procedures to create coincidence linework between OSM and RLIS and to bring in new linework (including: streets, trails, bike & ped paths, waterways) A. Create a DIFF File 1.In ArcMap, create 10’ buffer @ all RLIS streets and dissolve 2.Query for all OSM ways that are inside the buffer 3.Reverse selection and export to new DIFF shapefile 4.Convert shapefile to OSM for use in JOSM (ArcMap 10 OSM Editor has bugs) B. Create Reclass File Create a new RLIS file with OSM attributes C. Edit OSM File In JOSM, bring in DIFF File, Reclass File, OSM File (1/4 County OSM files downloaded nightly), and Aerials for reference 1.Copy RLIS attributes into OSM using “paste tags” tool 2.Copy OSM tags back into RLIS attributes to capture complete set 3.Copy RLIS feature and paste geometry (with attributes) into OSM File 4.Delete old OSM feature geometry and DIFF geometry to track progress 5.Merge nodes in OSM 6.Upload corrections to OSM OSM Editing Procedures

9 Mapping Layers in JOSM Layer NameFile WashSE Diff.osm Diff Layer (contains only streets and trails from OSM that have been identified as inaccurate) All Str ReClass.somRLIS Streets Layer Washington-SE.osmOSM Data Layer Trails_Wash.osmRLIS Trails TM AerialsAerial Imagery

10 RLIS=Blue Diff File & OSM = Red JOSM Editing Session

11 1.Copy RLIS attributes into OSM using “paste tags” tool 2.Copy OSM tags back into RLIS attributes to capture complete set

12 3. Copy RLIS feature and paste geometry (with attributes) into OSM File Note that this way is now red indicating that it belongs to the OSM Data Layer

13 4.Delete old OSM feature geometry and DIFF geometry to track progress

14 5. Merge nodes: connect the newly added ways to the existing OSM node network

15 Phase I - TO DO LIST Formalize and approve Tags for all RLIS features (Reclass Files) Identify procedure for directionality and turn restrictions for bicycle routing Recruit community to assist with importing waterways OSM Mapping Parties to test bicycle data and trips - four this summer for each county Formalize and document procedures to share with other jurisdictions Prepare for OTP Beta release in Fall 2011 Intertwine Project

16 OTP Project Tasks Task 1 Project Management Plan work with stakeholders to identify and prioritize requirements and that can be delivered within the two- year timeframe and budget September 2011 Task 2 Application Development of Features prioritized at July 2011 Workshop January 2011 Task 3Evaluation StudyMay 2011 Task 4Final ReportsJune 2011 Open Trip Planner Phase II Metro Regional Travel Options Grant July 1, 2011 – July 1, 2013

17 Features Needed to Replace ATIS 1.Ability to print, email, and SMS output 2.Fare calculations 3.Return and prioritization of multiple trip itineraries 4.Language translation 5.Graph/chart to easily change variables for trip plans 6.Enhancements based on feedback from public beta release 7.Geocoder to locate addresses and landmarks 8.Administrative tools for staff to continue maintenance of the application and data, including transfers. 9.Tools for Customer Service staff 10.Improve stability of the API for third-party developers 11.Extend the availability of the service to mobile devices 12.Trip disability options Open Trip Planner

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