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Trigonometry Review.

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1 Trigonometry Review

2 A person 100 meters from the base of a tree, observes that the angle between the ground and the top of the tree is 18 degrees. Estimate the height h of the tree to the nearest tenth of a meter. h = 32.5 meters

3 In the figure on the below, ABCD is a rectangle whose perimeter is 30
In the figure on the below, ABCD is a rectangle whose perimeter is 30. The length of BE is 12.  To the nearest degree, find the measure of angle E.  25˚

4 Find the values of x and y. Round your answers to the nearest tenth.
x = 5, y = 8.7

5 Draw a picture to solve the following word problem below.
Suppose you are flying a kite. The string of the kite makes an angle of 30˚ with the ground. If the kite is 9 meters in the air, find the length of string that you have used. The string is 18 meters long.

6 The figure shown below is a trapezoid
The figure shown below is a trapezoid.  Using the information given, find the area of this trapezoid to the nearest square unit. Hint: Area = ½h(base1 + base2) 267 units2

7 Graph the coordinates for triangle SUN below
Graph the coordinates for triangle SUN below. Then find the measure of angle U to the nearest degree. S(-4, 3) U(1, 6) N(6, 3) U = 118˚

8 Find the volume of the cone below to the nearest tenth.
10 yd V = 1/3 Πr2h 266.9 yd3 52˚

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