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Psychotherapy. Talking cure Relationship Communication Understanding.

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Presentation on theme: "Psychotherapy. Talking cure Relationship Communication Understanding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychotherapy

2 Talking cure Relationship Communication Understanding

3 Psychotherapy Types Individual Supportive Dynamic Cognitive Behavioral * Group Supportive Dynamic Behavioral

4 Supportive psychotherapy Understanding, empathic, humanistic No exploration, Just ventilation,, reassurance, manipulation of life situation, coping

5 Supportive psychotherapy Indications General all medical disorders Specific crises and chronic and low prognosis cases

6 Supportive psychotherapy Technique Listening, reassurance, explanation, suggestion, ventilation Can be done by psychiatrist و doctor, nurse, psychologist, and social worker

7 Analytic psychotherapy Psychoanalytic theory Drive, instincts, Personality structure id, ego, superego Unconscious intrapsychic forces, Conflicts, Personality development stages Symbolic meaning of symptoms Genesis of symptoms, early social relations, neutrality

8 Analytic psychotherapy Aim Meaning, insight Process Relationship, alliance Transference and countertransference Resistance Cathexis

9 Analytic psychotherapy Technique Examining repeated themes Clarification, Suggestion, confrontation

10 Analytic psychotherapy Criteria of selection * Problem understandable by psychological terms * Motivation, introspection, intelligence, verbal fluency, capacity for communication and relationship adequate ego strength others age,optimistic,

11 Analytic psychotherapy Factors in therapist Empathic, respectful, realistically hopeful, self awareness, reliable, assurance without arrogance, genuine

12 Analytic psychotherapy Indications character disorders neurosis Types Focal Psychoanalysis

13 Cognitive therapy Active role Determination of thoughts Running hypothesis Testing hypothesis Conclusion, looking for alternative Diary

14 Cognitive therapy Indications Depression Anxiety, panic

15 Behavioral therapy Theories of conditioning Methods Desensitization Implosion Aversion Biofeedback, relaxation

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