Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Mai Thao, Chrissy Evensen, Jenna Schmidt, Tasha Goemer, Anne Roach.

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Presentation on theme: "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Mai Thao, Chrissy Evensen, Jenna Schmidt, Tasha Goemer, Anne Roach."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Mai Thao, Chrissy Evensen, Jenna Schmidt, Tasha Goemer, Anne Roach

2 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 2. Therapy Goal Role of counselor/client Techniques Training Risks/benefit 1. History Basic premises Key names 3. Risks & benefits 4. Criticisms

3 Philosophy & Basic Assumptions Psychological distress stems from faulty or damaging mental processing of experience Deal with cognitions, interpretations, beliefs and responses, with the aim of influencing problematic emotions and behaviors. Reorganization of one’s self-statements will result in a corresponding reorganization of one’s behavior.

4 Key Figures Albert Ellis Rational Emotive Therapy (REBT) ABC Model Nature of Unhappiness Eleven irrational beliefs Albert Ellis Rational Emotive Therapy (REBT) ABC Model Nature of Unhappiness Eleven irrational beliefs

5 11 Irrational Beliefs 1. Essential for a person to be loved or approved 2.A person must be perfectly complete 3.Some people are bad, and should be punished. 4.It is terrible when things are not as a person wants them to be. 5.Unhappiness caused by outside circumstances; person has no control over it. 6.Dangerous, fearsome things cause for great concern; possibilities must be dwelt on.

6 Irrational Beliefs cont. 7.It is easier to avoid certain difficulties than to face them. 8.A person should be dependent on others. 9.Past experience and events are the determinants of present behaviors 10.A person should be upset over other people’s problems and disturbances. 11.There is always a right perfect solution to every problem, and it must be found. 7.It is easier to avoid certain difficulties than to face them. 8.A person should be dependent on others. 9.Past experience and events are the determinants of present behaviors 10.A person should be upset over other people’s problems and disturbances. 11.There is always a right perfect solution to every problem, and it must be found.

7 Key Figures cont… Aaron Beck Cognitive Therapy Emphasizes Recognizing & changing negative, maladaptive thoughts Reorganization of self-statements will result in a corresponding reorganizing of behavior. Aaron Beck Cognitive Therapy Emphasizes Recognizing & changing negative, maladaptive thoughts Reorganization of self-statements will result in a corresponding reorganizing of behavior.

8 Beck cont… Differences with REBT Closer to psychodynamic tradition Doesn’t apply the same set of irrational beliefs to all disorders Cx are led to become their own truth-seeker and not directly put into a philosophical system Differences with REBT Closer to psychodynamic tradition Doesn’t apply the same set of irrational beliefs to all disorders Cx are led to become their own truth-seeker and not directly put into a philosophical system

9 Beck cont… Shares with REBT the active, directive, time-limited, present- centered, structured approach identify, challenge & change dysfunctional thought patterns Shares with REBT the active, directive, time-limited, present- centered, structured approach identify, challenge & change dysfunctional thought patterns

10 Other CBTs Meichenbaum’s Stress inoculation training Glasser’s Reality therapy Linehan’s Dialectical behavior therapy Acceptance and commitment therapy Solution focused therapy Meichenbaum’s Stress inoculation training Glasser’s Reality therapy Linehan’s Dialectical behavior therapy Acceptance and commitment therapy Solution focused therapy

11 Therapy Brief & Structured Problem Solving Goal: Client becomes personal therapist

12 Therapeutic Relationship Collaborative Persuasive Teacher Model Behavior

13 Stages Initial Interviews Identify cognitive framework Early symptom relief Middle Stage Homework assignments Guided discovery Last Sessions Cognitive reality testing increases Session frequency decreases Relapse management & Booster sessions

14 Techniques Beck’s Cognitive Triad Collaborative Empiricism Socratic Dialogue ABC Therapy

15 ABC therapy A-Antecedents/Activating Event Behavior is determined by the situation. Not everything that precedes a behavior is considered an antecedent; only the things that influence a behavior response. Sources of antecedents may be -affective (feeling, mood states) -somatic (physiological and body relatesensations) -behavioral (verbal, nonverbal, motoric responses -cognitive (schemas, thoughts, beliefs, images) -contextual (time, place, multicultural factors) -relational (presence or absence of other people)

16 ABC Therapy B-Behavior or Belief -Things that a person does as well as things that a person thinks about. -Two main types: -Overt: -Covert: Counselor must usually rely on the clients self report. B-Behavior or Belief -Things that a person does as well as things that a person thinks about. -Two main types: -Overt: -Covert: Counselor must usually rely on the clients self report.

17 ABC Therapy C-Consequence -Events that follow a behavior and exert some influence on the behavior. -Consequences can be positive or negative. -Positive consequences are referred to as re-enforcers. - Positive Reinforcement - Negative Reinforcement -Negative consequences are referred to as punishers. These behaviors will decrease the behavior. C-Consequence -Events that follow a behavior and exert some influence on the behavior. -Consequences can be positive or negative. -Positive consequences are referred to as re-enforcers. - Positive Reinforcement - Negative Reinforcement -Negative consequences are referred to as punishers. These behaviors will decrease the behavior.

18 Training Albert Ellis Institute, New York, NY Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy & Research, Bala Cynwyd, PA

19 Certifications Offered by the National Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists Diploma in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Certified Cognitive-Behavioral Therapist

20 Benefits Brief form of therapy REBT effective for helping people in crisis Affective for individuals, groups, coupled, or families Discourages dependence on the therapist Has emphasis on outside work

21 Risks/Limitations/Criticisms Prescriptive Model Cultural Concerns Unfinished Business Brainwashing

22 References Corey, G. (2004). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy: student manual (7 th ed). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks Cole Company. Corsini, R.J., & Wedding, D. (2000). Current psychotherapies (6 th ed). Itasca, IL: F.E. Peacock Publisher, Inc. Day, S.X. (2008). Theory and design in counseling and psychotherapy (2 nd ed.). Boston: Lahaska Press.

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