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Communism in China Mao Zedong: Declassified 43:38

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2 Communism in China Mao Zedong: Declassified 43:38

3 Opponents NATIONALISTS - Jiang Jieshi - Southern China - defeat of Communists - public support-weak - ineffective, corrupt leadership - supported by Americans COMMUNISTS –Mao Zedong –Northern China –Desired National liberation –Public support esp. peasants- strong because of promised land reform –Experienced, motivated guerilla army (Red Army) –Supported by Soviet Union

4 The Long March Chaing Kai-Shek went after communists and Mao Mao and his Red Army went on a 6,000 mile march to the mountains of Northern China 100,000 soldiers braved horrible conditions Used Guerilla warfare and hit and run tactics Only 8,000-20,000 communists survived


6 Mao in Control After the Long March, Mao must regroup what little Red Army is left Chaing Kai-Shek must protect China from invading Japan but can’t Mao joins Chaing Kai-Shek to defeat the Japanese and is able to gain power of China forcing Shek to Taiwan Mao gains control of China in Oct. 1949 and renames it the People’s Republic of China (communism rules!)

7 Walk About Look at pictures around the room and answer questions












19 Mao “The force of the peasantry is like that of the raging winds and driving rains…. They will bury beneath them all the forces of imperialism, militarism, corrupt officialdom, village bosses and evil gentry.”

20 Great Leap Forward Modernize China…catch up to Britain, America, Russia Like the Five Year plan to get better technology and agriculture –Collective Farms-Government owned farms to grow food in mass –Build factories to increase goods and economy PROBLEMS-Bad crop rotation, poor grain, limited rain, too many farmers forced to work in factories 20-40 million people starved to death from famine So does the Great Leap Forward work???? Mao goes into hiding to figure out his next move…how to bring the country back under his control

21 Great Leap Forward


23 Mao Gains Cultural Control In order to bring the people back to supporting Mao and to get rid of his enemies, his wife created the Cultural Revolution She was an actress he cheated on, but she wanted him to rise to power again She gets rid of all old traditions and changes all types of art (plays, operas, poetry, paintings)…all about Mao and his power Brainwashing Education = Little Red Book of Mao’s Quotes Red Guard = kids

24 Cultural Revolution Children, teens, young adults were to join the Red Guard Read Mao’s Little Red Book of Quotes Attack anyone against the new govt and Mao’s ideas like intellectuals, teachers, professors Eventually all schools will close and Red Guard under Mao’s quotes will attack, humiliate, kill anyone against them (including family members) Lasted 10 years until it gets out of control…Mao sends in the Red Army to squash Red Guard but the damage is done Brainwashed people and Mao falls from power…dies in September 1976

25 Cultural Revolution h?v=MkSTXaU7eSw h?v=MkSTXaU7eSw (1:20) h?v=DIrUHVFkm9A&featu re=related h?v=DIrUHVFkm9A&featu re=related (3:27) uvFXv8Gos uvFXv8Gos (17:16)

26 Cultural Revolution Ten-year political campaign - a social experiment aimed at rekindling revolutionary ideas and purifying the communist party Mao Zedong and his wife, Jiang Qing (Madame Mao), directed popular anger against opposition Uses kids in the Red Guard to remove "intellectuals" and "bourgeois" influences Millions were forced into manual labor (including doctors, lawyers, professors) and tens of thousands were executed The result was massive civil unrest with Red Guard killing anyone against Mao and his ideas The army was sent in to control student disorder. The Cultural Revolution officially ended with the arrest of the leaders in 1976 Mao died not long after this on September 9, 1976 from a heart attack at age 82



29 Post Mao…what happened in China? Gang of 4 including Madame Mao tried to come back to power after Mao’s death They were put on trial in 1980 Madame Mao was sentenced to death but the other 3 men got life in prison Her sentence was changed to life in prison She committed suicide by hanging herself while in the hospital for throat cancer

30 Hua Guofeng Supported Mao’s ideas…just look at him! Led 1976-78 “Two Whatevers” Policy…whatever Mao said we say and whatever Mao did we do Instituted 10 year plan which included economic recovery, schools reopening, nuclear weapon testing, missile creation, and space launches 1978 constitution = return to Soviet style of leadership

31 Deng Xiaoping Part of the communist party under Mao Was exiled from the govt., returns to power after Mao’s death Led from 1978-1992 Called the “Paramount Leader” and shared power with Eight Elders 1982 Constitution –Encouraged artists, writers, and journalists freedom of expression but can’t attack the party –Freedom of thought but must be loyal

32 Life under Deng What was it like living in China? What were modern day events he dealt with?

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