What is the DofE? Welcome Overview of the Award: Levels & Sections How DofE is run by CI Adventures Paperwork Any questions.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the DofE? Welcome Overview of the Award: Levels & Sections How DofE is run by CI Adventures Paperwork Any questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the DofE? Welcome Overview of the Award: Levels & Sections How DofE is run by CI Adventures Paperwork Any questions

2 Overview Bronze/Silver/Gold Award For aged 14 and over Made up of 4/5 sections Important to choose activities from beginning You may be doing lots of your DofE already!

3 VolunteeringPhysicalSkillsExpedition 6 monthsA section for 6 months A section for 3 months Train, Plan & complete a 2 day, 1 night expedition Direct entrants must undertake a further 6 months in the Volunteering or the longer of the Physical or Skills sections. VolunteeringPhysicalSkillsExpeditionResidential 12 monthsA for section 12 months A section for 6 months Train, Plan & Complete a: 4 day, 3 night expedition Undertake a shared activity in a residential setting away from home for 5 days and 4 nights Direct entrants must undertake a further 6 months in either the Volunteering or the longer of the Physical or Skills section. VolunteeringPhysicalSkillsExpedition 3 months Train, Plan & complete a 2 day, 1 night expedition All participants must undertake a further 3 months in the Volunteering, Physical or Skills section.

4 Volunteering Aim: To inspire young people to make a difference within their communities or to an individual’s life and develop compassion by giving service to others. Helping people Community action and raising awareness Coaching, teaching and leadership Working with the environment or animals Helping a charity or community organisation

5 Physical Team sports Individual sports Water sports Racquet sports Dance Fitness Extreme sports Martial arts Aim: To inspire young people to achieve greater physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle through participation and improvement in physical activity.

6 Skill Creative arts Performance arts Science and technology Care of animals Music Life skills Learning and collecting Media and communication Natural world Games and sports Aim: To inspire young people to develop practical and social skills and personal interests.

7 Expedition Aim: To inspire young people to develop initiative and a sense of adventure and discovery, by planning, training for and completing an adventurous journey as part of a team. Preparation Training Qualifying expedition, Assessment Practice expedition debrief & presentation

8 C I Adventures Operating Authority Our experienced staff will help you! Responsible for helping you complete the whole award Administer your enrolment Issue you your welcome pack Show you how to use eDofE to record your award Issue your certificate & congratulate you

9 C I Adventures Operating Authority We are available to help you: By email eDofE messaging system By phone Drop in to our office Before & after your training sessions

10 Expedition Training Sessions! Our great training package includes: Maps & Personal equipment Orienteering Session Route cards & Practice expedition planning Stoves, food & cooking; tents Assessed expedition planning Daywalk NNAS

11 Expeditions, Practice & Assessed Our great expedition package includes: practice expedition assessed expedition Your expedition report Remote supervision, what does that mean?

12 What does it cost? Payment covers BronzeSilver Direct Silver Gold Direct Gold (bronze) Direct Gold Enrolment & administration Welcome Pack Participation Place eDofE account Support to complete Award £55 £72 Training Expedition Training Expedition Planning Day-walk £110£100£220£100£125£220 Expeditions Practice Expedition Assessed Expedition Report £150£200 £300

13 Training Schedule

14 Reply Slips

15 Consent & Enrolment Forms

16 Any Questions?

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