Year Nine Options Evening. What have we done so far? Your son has already picked three options and….. PSHE looking at careers PSHE looking at subjects.

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Presentation on theme: "Year Nine Options Evening. What have we done so far? Your son has already picked three options and….. PSHE looking at careers PSHE looking at subjects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year Nine Options Evening

2 What have we done so far? Your son has already picked three options and….. PSHE looking at careers PSHE looking at subjects that they will not know much about like Media Industry Day 14 th Feb Tonight I will explain progress 8

3 Progress Eight Progress 8 will be introduced for all schools in 2016. This means that the performance tables based on 2016 exam results, to be published in late 2016/early 2017, will show the Progress 8 results. Progress 8 will also be used for floor standards from 2016.

4 How will the pots be filled?

5 New Levels

6 English Language English Literature Mathematics Science Computer Science History Geography Modern Foreign Lang Ancient Languages High Value GCSEs’ Art & Design Design Technology Drama Dance Music PE Citizenship Religious Studies

7 What now? A member of leadership has already spoken to your son Speak to your son about his options and with your knowledge decide what options are best. Consider if you want him to pick either History or Geography. Let me or his HOY know if you want to make changes.

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