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MIGRATION STATISTICS IN ARMENIA Армине Аветисян February 15-17, 2010, Bishkek Armine Avetisyan.

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Presentation on theme: "MIGRATION STATISTICS IN ARMENIA Армине Аветисян February 15-17, 2010, Bishkek Armine Avetisyan."— Presentation transcript:

1 MIGRATION STATISTICS IN ARMENIA Армине Аветисян February 15-17, 2010, Bishkek Armine Avetisyan

2 Armenian Population presentpermanent MEN WOMEN thousand CENSUS-2001 85+80-8475-7970-7465-6960-6455-5950-5445-4940-4435-3930-3425-2920-2415-1910-145-90-4 thousand

3 BEST SEVEN ! External Migration Process Research, 1991-1998 RA Trans-border passenger flows research Sampling study of incoming and outgoing migrants Sampling study of passenger transit at controlling and crossing points Labor migration in Armenia Sampling study of external and internal migration Sampling study of labor migration (in progress))

4 Tasks and objectives Questionnaire content Sampling methodology Major concepts and definitions Challenges Migration and economy Data collection issues SAMPLING STUDY OF EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL MIGRATION

5 Objectives: Alternative collection of information by characteristics of external and internal migration alongside with current statistics during the period from 2002 to 2007 as well as clarification and analysis of the major factors effecting migration processes. Major Tasks: Assessment of external and internal migration from 2002 to 2007, Social and demographic characteristics of migrants Identification of actual scopes of migrants flows from Armenia starting from post-census period and changes thereof Data collection by scopes of labor migration, re-emigration tendencies and other statistical characteristics of migrants

6 Questionnaire Summary Section 1: Questions to identify qualitative and quantitative characteristics of family migrations of researched households Section 2: Questions referred to people, who have ever lived in the given household Section 3: Questions referred to people who, have been in migration starting from 2002 Section 4-9: For certain types of migrants: 4. Returned from abroad 5. Returned from another locality in Armenia 6. Staying abroad 7. Staying in another locality of Armenia 8. Immigrating from abroad 9. Immigrating from another locality of Armenia

7 Sampling methodology (based on address databases created on population census of 2001 outcomes under World Bank’s technical assistance, with application of stratification sampling method ) Number of strata Including in Yerevan cities villages 48 1 1 12 11 2754

8 1686 814 urbanrural Total number of households and percentage of their spreading throughout the territory of Armenia + 2500 5.4 3.4 5.5 7.9 8.5 35.1 6.8 5.3 7.2 7.3 7.6 Yerevan Aragatsotn Ararat Armavir Gegarkunik Lory Krtayk Shirak Sunik Vaiots Dzor Tavush

9 Major Concepts and Definitions External migration of the population Migrant Returned migrant (re-emigrant) Emigrant Immigrant Labor migrant Migrant returned from another locality of Armenia Migrant staying in another locality of Armenia Migrant arriving from another locality of Armenia Persons without citizenship

10 ISSUES: Objective Subjective Location of selected households (non-existing addresses, front doors locked by combination locks……..) Human factor (actual and legal members of households, incomes...... )

11 Challenges: 2011 POPULATION CENSUS POPULATION REGISTER POPULATION REGISTER (Law was passed in 2005) It secures rights of the population to: TENTATIVE CANSUS WILL TAKE PLACE IN APRIL FROM 14 TO 23, 2010 WILL TAKE PLACE IN OCTOBER FROM 12 TO 21 Free migration Selecting place for residence Registration by place of residence

12 Scopes of External Migration 67.1% emigrants 2.8% immigrants 30.1% re-emigrants 78% men Emigrants: 22% women

13 CITIZENSHIP 28% Georgia 16% USA 8% RF 8% Iraq 8% Ukraine 4% Iran 28% Syria 8% not answered 94.2%Armenia 5.4%other countries 0.4% don’t have it Emigrants Immigrants

14 Emigrants provided Financial support yesno 85.6% banking system 12.7% With the assistance of friends, acquaintances 1.7% other 81.7% 18.3%

15 46.6 5.2 17.6 13.5 9.8 3.7 2.6 0.40.6 Emigrants’ remittances were aimed at: 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 1. Current expenses of households 2. Actions and other objectives 3. Domestic household needs 4. Social needs (med. treatment, education) 5. Procuring assets 6. Procuring real estate 7. Investments into production/business 8.Financial investments 9. Other purposes 87

16 Re-emigrants’ Savings 27.9% with friends’, acquaintances’ assistance 6.3 % Other Provided Financial Support 57.8% didn’t have42.2% had 65.8% banking system

17 43.9 8.2 14.3 15.8 9.8 2.0 3.6 0.5 Remittances were aimed at: 1 2 3 4 5 6 987 5.1 6.6 1. Current expenses of households 2. Actions and other objectives 3. Domestic household needs 4. Social needs (med. treatment, education) 5. Procuring assets 6. Procuring real estate 7. Investments into production/business 8.Financial investments 9. Other purposes


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