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The Cold War. Confrontation of the Super Powers Suspicious of one another’s motives the US and USSR became rivals US and G. Britain pushed for self determination.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cold War. Confrontation of the Super Powers Suspicious of one another’s motives the US and USSR became rivals US and G. Britain pushed for self determination."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cold War

2 Confrontation of the Super Powers Suspicious of one another’s motives the US and USSR became rivals US and G. Britain pushed for self determination in E. Europe Soviets wanted to maintain their control and have a buffer with the rest of Europe

3 Confrontation of the Super Powers Truman Doctrine pledged financial support to nations threatened by communism Marshall Plan extended further aid aimed toward European recovery Containment-keep communism within its existing borders The division of Germany and Berlin

4 The Eastern Bloc

5 The Cold War Spreads 1949-Communists take control of China 1949- Soviets successfully test an atomic bomb-Arms Race begins (Mutually Assured Destruction) 1957- Sputnik I

6 Sputnik I

7 Military Alliances-both sides sought additional security NATO-North Atlantic Treaty Organization (mutual help if any member is attacked) Warsaw Pact SEATO-Southeast Asia Treaty Organization CENTO-Central Treaty Organization The Berlin Wall-Divided East and West Berlin (became the symbol of the Cold War) The Cold War Spreads

8 Berlin Wall

9 The Korean War - Korea was controlled by Japan 1905-1945 - WWII ends: Soviets in N. Korea/US in S. Korea - Korea is divided along 38 th parallel - June 25, 1950 North invades South - Truman sends US troops across 38 th parallel - China sends in troops to and pushes US back - Armistice signed 1953- No Victory The Cold War Spreads

10 38 th Parallel

11 The Cuban Missile Crisis 1959- Fidel Castro seizes power in Cuba 1961- Bay of Pigs Invasion 1962- Soviet offensive nuclear weapons discovered on Cuba US Blockades Cuba (brink of War) Crisis ends with a US pledge not to invade Cuba

12 The Cuban Missile Crisis


14 Vietnam and the Domino Theory Colonial territories throughout SE Asia were being overrun by communism 1954- France gives up control of Vietnam US feared each country would fall to communism (Domino Theory)

15 1965- Communists on the verge of taking over all of Vietnam 1965- President Johnson sends in US combat troops Despite US military superiority war develops into a stalemate President Nixon escalates the war but is still not able to bring victory 1975- US withdraws and Vietnam is united under communism Vietnam and the Domino Theory


17 The Decline of the Soviet Union Détente-relaxed and improved relations between US and USSR during 1970’s Corruption and poor planning in industry and farming led to weakened economy Invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 led to a return to tension Ronald Reagan- “evil empire” and military buildup

18 1985- Mikhail Gorbechev called for radical reforms (perestroika) Reduction of nuclear arsenal End of military support to E. Europe - Communist regimes fall peacefully - Independence throughout Soviet territories 1991- Soviet Union dissolved The Decline of the Soviet Union

19 The Fall of The Berlin Wall

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