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Miguel & Christina 2nd period- Theatre Arts

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1 Miguel & Christina 2nd period- Theatre Arts
Medieval Drama Miguel & Christina 2nd period- Theatre Arts

2 Video

3 Who? The Greeks originally started Medieval drama
The Latins started this type of drama as well when they wanted to express the Bible in plays for people to understand more. Also, Catholics took part in performing these plays.

4 What? Medieval drama are basically plays that were religious and performed by priests and members of the church in a way to teach Bible stories

5 It got started in Europe.
When? Medieval Drama occurred between the years of 600 and 1500 CE, which was in the Middle Ages. Where? It got started in Europe.

6 Different types of medieval plays
Mystery plays: Christ and the old testament Miracle plays: lives of saints and historical and legendary events. Morality plays: common man struggle for salvation- aimed to teach or reinforce church doctrine. Mellow dramatic plays: good rewarded and evil punish Secular Plays: Latin comedies Folk plays: dancing fighting and buffoonery ; very little dramatic action.

7 Medieval stages There where two types of stages fixed and movable.
fixed: where they used machinery to move actors across stage like make angle fly. Movable: "Pageant" being the physical stage and "Wagons" being the movable factor of the stage. for the people who are at the market can watch the play go on.

8 Information Before the 1200s plays were being done in side church as part of liturgy. some influences on the plays that were made was religious and some anachronism If we looked back at the plays we would think of them naive if we didn’t understand the time period. Costumes were ordinary church vestments. By 1350s people of community started being part of plays (unpaid and some girls) church supported dramas

9 Pictures

10 The decline of medieval drama
When the fall of the roman empire started and the increase in classical learning affected stage writing social structure changing. Then when it was out lawed religious plays in late 16th century

11 sources

12 Quiz 1. Where did medieval drama get started? Europe United States
Brazil 2. When did Medieval Drama take place? a to 2000 b to 2012 c. 600 to 1500 CE

13 Quiz 3. Where did Medieval drama start? a. Europe b. Russia c. Brazil 4. Medieval drama/theatre started to help teach and express… a. Acting lessons b. Bible lessons c. home schooling

14 Quiz True or False 5. The Roman Empire represented the fall of theatre
6. Folk plays are not a part of medieval drama 7. There are 2 stages of medieval drama 8. Medieval drama outlawed religious plays in the 21st century 9. Latin comedies are called secular plays. 10. The Chinese performed medieval religious plays.

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