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Photosynthesis, Respiration, Cell Division, & Cancer JEOPARDY

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Presentation on theme: "Photosynthesis, Respiration, Cell Division, & Cancer JEOPARDY"— Presentation transcript:

1 Photosynthesis, Respiration, Cell Division, & Cancer JEOPARDY

2 Photosynthesis Respiration Cell Division Cancer Random 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 600 600 600 600 600

3 What are the 3 things needed for Photosynthesis to occur?
Light Energy CO2 Water 1/100 Back

4 In what part of the plant does Photosynthesis that place?
Green Parts Leaves Back 1/200

5 What are the products of Photosynthesis?
Oxygen Glucose 1/300 Back

6 Carbon Dioxide enters the plant through the…
Stomata 1/400 Back

7 Which stage of mitosis is this?
Anaphase 1/500 Back

8 What is the equation for Photosynthesis?
C02 + H20 Sugar + Oxygen 1/600 Back

9 Breaking down of carbohydrates to release the energy is called…
Respiration 2/100 Back

10 What are the two raw materials of Respiration?
Sugar Oxygen 2/200 Back

11 In what part of the cell does respiration takes place
Mitochondria 2/300 Back

12 What are the three products of Respiration?
CO2 Water Energy 2/400 Back

13 How does photosynthesis and respiration relate to each other?
2/500 Back

14 What is the equation for Respiration?
Glucose + Oxygen Water + CO2 + Energy 2/600 Back

15 Name the 3 Stages of the Cell Cycle
Mitosis Interphase Cytokinesis 3/100 Back

16 Name two cells that do NOT go through cell division at the same rate
Liver Cells Brain Cells Skin Cells 3/200 Back

17 Which phase of Mitosis is this?
Prophase 3/300 Back

18 The division of a cell’s nucleus into two nuclei
What is Mitosis? The division of a cell’s nucleus into two nuclei 3/400 Back

19 What happens in Cytokinesis?
The separation of the parent cell into the daughter cells 3/500 Back

20 Name the stages of Mitosis and what happens in each stage
Prophase chromosomes are made Chromosomes line up in the center of the nucleus Metaphase Anaphase Chromosomes go to opposite sides of the nucleus Telophase Two new nuclear membranes form 3/600 Back

21 Cells that reproduce uncontrollably
What is cancer? Cells that reproduce uncontrollably 4/100 Back

22 What are 3 ways in which doctors treat cancer?
Drugs Surgery Radiation 4/200 Back

23 A mass of cancerous cells is called a
Tumor 4/300 Back

24 True or False: All tumors are cancerous
4/400 Back

25 Cancer spreads throughout the body when the cancer cells are able to get into the…
Bloodstream 4/500 Back

26 Cancer begins with a Mutation that disrupts the normal cell cycle, causing the cells to divide uncontrollably 4/600 Back

27 Cell organelle where photosynthesis takes place
Chloroplasts Back 5/100

28 Before producing sugars (glucose) plants must…(first stage of photosynthesis)
Capture energy from the sun 5/200

29 How do you know that plants are not doing photosynthesis in the winter?
Plants have lost all of their green parts/leaves 5/300

30 Why do you breathe less when you are sleeping?
Your body does not need as much energy to function as it does when you are awake. Since you do not need as much energy you do not need to breathe in oxygen to help break down glucose. 5/400

31 You need oxygen in order to break down glucose to release energy
Why do you breathe? You need oxygen in order to break down glucose to release energy Back 5/500

32 Why do you breathe harder when running?
You are using more energy when running so your body needs to break down more glucose to get more energy. To break down more glucose you need more oxygen. 5/600 Back

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