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Implementing Mathematics Interventions. Aims: To be familiar with the mathematics intervention materials available To ensure effective planning of intervention.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing Mathematics Interventions. Aims: To be familiar with the mathematics intervention materials available To ensure effective planning of intervention."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing Mathematics Interventions

2 Aims: To be familiar with the mathematics intervention materials available To ensure effective planning of intervention support for targeted groups of children

3 Materials: Numicon/Every Child Counts Supporting children with gaps in their mathematical understanding (Wave 3) Overcoming Barriers in mathematics (L1-2, L2-3, L3-4 and L4-5) Securing Levels/What I can do in mathematics (Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5)

4 Task 1: What mathematics interventions do you currently run in your school? For which children – how do you identify them? When do your mathematics interventions take place and who leads them? What has worked well with mathematics interventions in your school? What difficulties are you finding with mathematics interventions in your school? How do you measure the impact?

5 Key points to consider 1: Are the children grouped according to an audit of their needs/gaps (or numbers per class)? Are the specific difficulties of the group clear? What are the high impact skills that will help them make progress?

6 Key points to consider 2: Who will lead the intervention? Who is responsible for the planning of the sessions? Do they have allocated time to do this? How long will the sessions last? When will the sessions take place? Will there be anything to regularly disrupt the sessions? How long will the intervention last?

7 Key points to consider 3: Who is responsible for monitoring the quality of the intervention? Who is responsible for measuring the impact of the intervention? Who is responsible for pupil progress?

8 How many children do you add on your ‘needing mathematics intervention’ list before you stop putting your energy into interventions and move your focus to developing quality first teaching of mathematics instead?

9 The key intervention materials for mathematics

10 Numicon Not developed as intervention resource, but inclusive resource Multi-sensory resource to support children to develop a secure understanding of number Is a structured, motivational representation of number Can be used to support a range of skills, particularly number, from EYFS/P levels+ Is the resource used for Every Child Counts (early intervention before Dyscalculia assessments commence)

11 Supporting children with gaps in their mathematical understanding Wave 3 intervention (originally) Produced for Key Stage 2 children working 2+ years behind age-related expectations Focuses on the four operations, addressing common misconceptions Intended to be 1:1 for 15 minutes a day Materials relate to ‘staging post’ years (R, 2, 4 and 6) and old NNS objectives

12 Overcoming Barriers in mathematics Analysis of children who didn’t make expected levels/who are stuck to identify key skills that are barriers to progress Addresses all 7 strands of the framework (not just number) ICT based Includes Level 1 to Level 5 Follows the Teaching Cycle and incorporates Using and Applying activities

13 Securing Levels/What I can Do in Mathematics Focuses on six key areas that children need to secure in order to attain the level Focused on all areas of mathematics (not just number) Includes Level 1 to Level 5 Securing Level = teacher planning What I Can Do = pupil book (not test) Links together models and images, Wave 3 and Overcoming Barriers resources to support learning

14 Summary of the key intervention materials

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