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Controversial Court Appointments and Executive Orders.

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Presentation on theme: "Controversial Court Appointments and Executive Orders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Controversial Court Appointments and Executive Orders

2 Snyder vs. Westboro Westboro Church Protests at military funerals Protested at the funeral of a dead soldier Didn’t break any laws

3 Snyder vs. Westboro Snyder, the father of the dead soldier, sued the church Went to court and won

4 Snyder Vs. Westboro Church appealed Snyder was forced to pay 16,000 to the church for court costs

5 Tinker vs. Des Moines Girl wore a black armband to school protesting the war in Vietnam She was sent home from school and wasn’t allowed back until she quit wearing the armband

6 Tinker vs. Des Moines The family sued Went all the way to the Supreme Court Court sided with the family

7 Controversial Executive Orders After 9/11 President Bush made a secret order Gave permission to all people in the defense part of the government the power to declare anyone an unlawful enemy combatant

8 Controversial Executive Order People could not argue against accusations Could be held in jail forever for no reason

9 Controversial Executive Orders People could be tortured People could not appeal accusations and take it to court

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