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Presented by: Jeanne R. Davis Regional Program & Development Coordinator June 1, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Jeanne R. Davis Regional Program & Development Coordinator June 1, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Jeanne R. Davis Regional Program & Development Coordinator June 1, 2011

2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Part 1 Advisory Council Function

3 Grassroots organization Primary mechanism Organized body Counsel with agents

4 Ensuring broad based programming Communicating and promoting Evaluating program impact Implementing programs Assessing needs and situations Identifying issues and opportunities

5 Reviews local program needs Helps set goals Aid in programming Monitors programming Ensures volunteer leadership Sponsor and conducts county programs Interprets programs needs Advising District Boards

6 Representatives from program advisory councils Individuals representing the broader community Rotation system for new membership Membership of 15 to 40


8 MembershipNominatingPublic RelationsBy-LawsProgram DevelopmentAd Hoc

9 District Board Program Advisory Councils Non- Extension Organizations State Extension Advisory Council

10 Clientele Program Council Representatives General Public Community Economic Development Committees Government Representatives Educational Organizations Community Collaborators Civic/Community Organizations Other Grassroots Organizations Council on Ag Research, Extension, Teaching (CARET) County Extension Council Kentucky Ag Advisory Council Kentucky 4-H Advisory Group Kentucky FCS Advisory Council Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association Area Homemakers Council Co. Extension Homemakers Council County FCS Council/Committee County Ag/Hort Advisory Council/Committee County 4-H/YD Council/Committee Extension District Board Representatives chosen to represent district/counties Multi-County Coordinating Committees Multi-County Coordinating Committees Multi-County Coordinating Committees Community & Economic Development Initiative of Kentucky(CEDIK)

11 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Part II Advisory Council Recruitment and Engagement

12 ex.html ex.html _Building_Partnerships_File_2010.pdf _Building_Partnerships_File_2010.pdf


14  Avoid tokenism  Accept that inclusivity will widen perspectives and opinions  Ask “ What do we need and what do we want?”  Evaluate –  “What is the current composition?”  “What characteristics, skills, and backgrounds do we need?”  “What are the gaps?”  “What are our priorities for recruiting?”

15  Ability to...  Willingness to...  Willingness to develop...  Possess...

16  Ask those you know for suggestions  Colleagues, other groups, media, staff, other members, volunteer and leadership groups, subordinate or collaborative groups  Whom to consider for membership  Current or past clientele and collaborators, community leaders, representatives of clientele groups, corporate volunteers, people in professions related to your mission, people with needed traits, skills, interests, etc.  Where to look for prospective members  Faith-based groups, professional and civic associations, organizations representing other groups (i.e.: arts organization, rose and garden, booklovers, etc.

17  To help others  To give back to the community  To meet new people  To fill a personal void  Because it is a tradition  To learn new skills  The ability to influence others Volunteer Management 101 John Lipp

18 Current programs FinancesHistory Plan of work Organizational structure Roles and responsibilities of members Operations of the group Membership lists Skills to possess or develop

19  Provide training  Build trust, relationships, and communications  Identify interests and skills and assign accordingly  Member involvement should be available  Engage new members early  Involve in meaningful activity and wisely use their time  Be prepared and provide support

20  Map  Task forces  Educational activities

21  Group is too large for the work to be done – under-working  The overall group is too small – over-working  Subordinate groups are overshadowed by the larger group  Insufficient communication and orientation  Weak agendas or no agenda  Feelings of not being involved gainfully  Lack of social glue

22  Council assessment  Review of the mission statement  Formal trainings  Retreats  Electronic – teleconferencing, e-mail, web sites  Staff

23  Informal = council reflection/conversation  Formal = evaluation instrument for the group or individual

24  Keeping the group fresh  Using term limits  Saying good-bye  Removing a difficult advisory council member

25  Appreciation and Recognition “In conscious celebration we create moments that illuminate the deeper meaning of our lives and guide our footsteps for the future.” Cathy DeForest Transforming Leadership from Vision to Results

26  Meeting Planning Checklist  Meeting Agenda  Getting Results

27  BoardSource (formerly National Center for Nonprofit Boards,  Kentucky Advisory Council System web site,  Nonprofit Leadership Initiative at the University of Kentucky,,, (859) 257-2542  Strengthening Extension Advisory Leaders,

28 Jeanne R. Davis Regional Program & Development Coordinator June 1, 2011

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