Crazy about the number WHEN WILL THIS TREND END?.

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Presentation on theme: "Crazy about the number WHEN WILL THIS TREND END?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crazy about the number WHEN WILL THIS TREND END?

2 The dreaded scale A bathroom scale measures your mass. It doesn’t measure your muscle, beauty, ambition, or dedication. Women spend over 182 billion dollars on bathroom scales a year. Why spend so much money on a piece of equipment that ultimately ruins your day? Women who become obsessed with the number tend to develop eating disorders, they become obsessed with counting calories, and become scared of certain foods that will make the number rise.

3  When a woman is trying to lose weight she could weigh herself every morning, night, or both  The best time to weigh yourself is in the morning and do it once a week. If you are keeping track of what you lose/gain then do it the same time on the same day every week.

4 Weighing in everyday most of the time doesn’t give an accurate number because different factors can change our weight throughout the day. - Drinking more water - Eating salty foods - Regular bathroom visits - Eating nutritious or processed foods

5 Muscle vs Fat  Fact : Muscle weighs more than fat  Fact : You can work hard and exercise but if you are lifting weights you weight could stay the same or go up, but you still look better.

6 Special K Special K is all about making woman feel their best without putting them down based on their size. They have diet products, healthy eating supplements and make commercials such as this one to remind woman that you are more than a number.

7 Clothing sizes Why do department stores have to put numbers in the clothes? Why can’t it be as easy as looking for a word to describe the size you wear? You will most likely not be the same size at two stores!!!!!! This is ok Fashion designers have their own way of making clothes and it is just a number!

8 Reasons why the scale could be sabotaging your weight loss Gaining muscle If you are lifting weights and eating properly then you will start gaining muscle which is more dense than fat. If you want to lose quick fat then stick to a cardio based work-out and cut your calories down to 1,200 - 1,5000. You won’t lose 10 pound in a day If you work out for one day and eat perfect you expect to see results. If you don’t stay consistent then the work wont show. People want the quick fix without the effort. Your human!!!! You are going to eat that cookie, drink that pop, or skip that work- out. Life happens and it doesn’t care if you are trying to lose weight. Eating in moderation and sticking to a work out program is the best way to lose weight.

9 Smashing the scale Kirsten Anderberg smashes a scale outside of a beauty pageant in 1991. She was trying to show the media that beauty is more than a number and women are worth more than a number.

10 How do we let go of the number?  Focus on how you feel – If you have energy and feel good about yourself then that is all that matters  Accept the fact that IT IS JUST A NUMBER.  Throw away the scale and bust your behind at the gym. If your working out and taking care of yourself then the weight will come of in time.  Have patience and trust the system.

11 References  Weight-Bodyweight-is-Not-The-Only-Measure-of-Health/dd/ Weight-Bodyweight-is-Not-The-Only-Measure-of-Health/dd/   

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