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BELL WORK!!! Describe some of the diets that you have heard about. What makes a good/healthy diet?

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Presentation on theme: "BELL WORK!!! Describe some of the diets that you have heard about. What makes a good/healthy diet?"— Presentation transcript:

1 BELL WORK!!! Describe some of the diets that you have heard about. What makes a good/healthy diet?

2 Dieting Dangers & Healthy Ways to Handle Weight

3 One issue related to body image that can be dangerous is dieting.

4 Find a partner and create a list of activities or behaviors that people do to lose weight or control their weight.

5 Some of the ways people try to lose weight or control their weight include: Skipping meals Eliminating fatty foods Counting or watching calories Exercising obsessively Using diet pills Eating only 1 type of food Following a popular diet

6 Dieting includes any attempt to lose weight. Dieting often deprives your body of key nutrients that it needs to function well.

7 Why do people diet?

8 People diet to: Be more attractive Be healthier Be more popular Look like others Like their bodies better Feel better about themselves

9 These are all reasons people diet; however not all of them are healthy reasons. Let’s examine some of the facts about dieting.

10 Turn to “What do you know about dieting?”

11 Being concerned about maintaining weight is healthy. However, you need to be safe about it.

12 Healthy Ways to Handle Weight Check with a doctor or registered dietitian. – Do you really need to lose or gain weight? – A caring adult such as a school nurse, dietitian, doctor, health teacher or parent can help you determine your healthy ideal weight.

13 Healthy Ways to Handle Weight Eat a healthy breakfast. – Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. – Eating breakfast gets your metabolism going and helps your ability to concentrate.

14 Healthy Ways to Handle Weight Eating healthy snacks. – Try eating fruits and vegetables instead of cookies and candy.

15 Healthy Ways to Handle Weight Being physically active. – Exercise and physical activity can help you deal with the emotions that sometimes make you want to eat. Exercise can also help boost your metabolism.

16 You are going to have an opportunity to put your new knowledge about dieting and healthy weight management into practice.

17 Turn to “Weight a Minute: Advice from a Friend” With a partner, answer the letters about dieting and weight management.

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