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Objective: I will learn the process of writing a persuasive essay.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: I will learn the process of writing a persuasive essay."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: I will learn the process of writing a persuasive essay.

2 What is a persuasive essay?
A piece of writing in which you try to convince your reader of your points of view. This can be found in the following types of writing. - shorts essays - letters to the editor - TV and radio scripts - letters to individuals - courtroom

3 Pre-Writing First, consider your audience. Make sure your writing (i.e. word choice) is appropriate.

4 Pre-Writing Consider the pros and cons of both positions. Record this information in a tree map People won’t be judged boring to look at everyone by their clothes dressed the same Less costly to parents Takes away freedom of choice Allows more time to focus on Everyone might not look goo in school worthwhile activities colors Wearing uniforms Pros Cons

5 Pre-Writing Select your three most convincing reasons to support your position Begin your flee map Counter argument

6 How to write an INTRODUCTION
Sentence 1: Use a hook or lead that introduces your opinion (ex. Quote, strong statement, exaggeration, rhetorical question, etc) Sentence 2: Elaborate or explain what you mean. (may be more than one sentence) Sentence 3: Thesis statement Sentence 4: Invitation to the reader

7 How to write the BODY ****Before you write, rate your reasons
TURN REASONS FROM FLEE MAP INTO PARAGRAPHS First Paragraph: (2nd best reason) Topic sentences with at least three supporting details Second Paragraph: (least convincing reason) Third Paragraph: (best reason)

8 How to write the CONCLUSION
Sentence 1: Restate your thesis Sentence 2: Summarize all your reasons (those in the body) Sentence 3: Write your counter argument (This may be more than one sentence) Sentence 4: “Zinger” – leave them something to think about( solicitation of support) ***IMPORTANT: a counter argument can be the last paragraph in your BODY ---if you have more to say than just a couple of sentences.

9 Persuasive Review Write on a new piece of paper!!!!
How many thesis statements are in a persuasive essay? Where are they? What does a thesis statement do? Give two examples of a good type of hook or lead. What is the first thing you should consider before writing your paper. How is a persuasive essay different from other essays you have written?

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