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Signalized Intersection Delay Monitoring for Signal Retiming SafeTrip-21 Safe and Efficient Travel through Innovation and Partnership in the 21 st Century.

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Presentation on theme: "Signalized Intersection Delay Monitoring for Signal Retiming SafeTrip-21 Safe and Efficient Travel through Innovation and Partnership in the 21 st Century."— Presentation transcript:

1 Signalized Intersection Delay Monitoring for Signal Retiming SafeTrip-21 Safe and Efficient Travel through Innovation and Partnership in the 21 st Century Sudhir Murthy, PE, PTOE President TrafInfo Communications, Inc. Lexington, MA

2 Presentation Outline System Objectives Methodology Technology Test Site – Equipment Installation – Data Collected Results Concluding Remarks

3 System Objectives To monitor traffic operations at a signalized intersection in real-time (cycle-by-cycle) by: – Collecting traffic signal timing and volume data – Estimating control delay using procedure within the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) To develop a cost-effective system to – Identify signalized intersections in need of improvements (ex. Re-timing) – Allow remote download of new signal timing – Assess the benefits resulting from it

4 Methodology HCM Control Delay where g = effective green (sec) C = cycle length (sec) v = volume S = saturation flow rate PF = Progression Adjustment Factor (Exhibit 16-12 using Arrival Type) Directly measured Estimated from Directly measured Headway & Occupancy HCM Procedure k = Incremental delay factor (Exhibit 16-13) I = Upstream filtering factor (assumed = 1.0) d 1 = uniform delay d 2 = incremental delay d 3 = initial queue delay

5 Technology Trafmate™ 6 Integrated C-programmable micro-controller with dual serial port and wireless PCS cellular modem GTT Canoga ™ Loop Detector Traditional loop detector with count capability (including “long loop”) and a front panel serial port

6 Test Site El Camino Real at Dumbarton Rd/Oakland St Redwood City, CA Φ1Φ1 Φ6Φ6 Φ4Φ4 Φ4Φ4 Φ5Φ5 Φ2Φ2 N

7 Test Site Assessment Thorough assessment of each loop in terms of inductance waveforms Calibration of Canoga loop detector parameters for “long-loop” counting

8 Long Loop Detection Technology Car 1 Car 2

9 Test Site Installation BEFORE AFTER Signal Timing Traffic Volume

10 Data Collected Signal Timing – Total cycle length – Green time of each phase Traffic Volume – Time to service first vehicle in queue – Volume during green & clearance – Total occupancy during green – Average headway (from 3 rd to 10 th vehicle) Central Server Software MySQL® Database Web-Interface Control Delay User Wireless Internet

11 Results - Control Delay Southbound Through Lane 1 Northbound Exclusive Left Lane

12 Unique Aspects of System Estimation of Saturation Flow Rate of each cycle from headway measurements Estimation of Arrival Type using occupancy and volume measurements

13 Direct Field Measurement of SFR 12345678910 123456789 3456789 11 Headway measurements 11 12

14 HCM Saturation Flow Rate Calcs

15 Project Results – Saturation Flow Rate Estimated based upon headway – SB Thru Lane 1 Default: Values computed using HCM

16 HCM Arrival Types

17 Occupancy-Arrival Type Relationship Arrival Type Occupancy 0% 100% 123456 Actual Field Measurement Estimated

18 Project Results - Arrival Type Estimated Estimated based upon occupancy and volume – SB Thru Lane 1

19 Steps to Retime Signals Collect data for 2-3 days and evaluate data to determine need for signal timing Use volume information to determine optimal signal timing (ex. Synchro, etc) Upload new signal timing to controller via the wireless modem Continue to collect data for another 2-3 days and evaluate data. Repeat steps if necessary or document improvements.

20 Concluding Remarks Demonstrates a cost-effective method for signalized intersection traffic monitoring Next Steps: – Additional reporting capability (ex. Peak hour) – Real-time adjustments to saturation flow rate and arrival types Future Challenges: – Variety of detection systems for signal control – Data accuracy of detection systems

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