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Droughts and Bushfires quiz! How many home where lost to the fires of Black Saturday. 1.2029. 2.1004. 3.10,000,000,000,000,000.

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Presentation on theme: "Droughts and Bushfires quiz! How many home where lost to the fires of Black Saturday. 1.2029. 2.1004. 3.10,000,000,000,000,000."— Presentation transcript:


2 Droughts and Bushfires quiz!

3 How many home where lost to the fires of Black Saturday. 1.2029. 2.1004. 3.10,000,000,000,000,000.

4 Can Drought make food cost more. 1.Yes, because without water there can be less food making it expensive. 2. No, that’s silly. 3.Who really cares.

5 How do droughts start? 1. There is a long hot period and we use too much water. 2.The bushfires turn all the water into lava. 3.Tornados suck all the water from the ground.

6 How many people where injured in the Black Saturday bushfires? 1.73. 2.414. 3.236.

7 How many people were killed in the Black Saturday bushfires? 1.782. 2.414. 3.173.




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