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URBACT II: Local Action for Transformation Role of Universities in Urban Poles (RUnUP) Network Clive Winters, Lead Expert Barakaldo, Spain, 17 th June.

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Presentation on theme: "URBACT II: Local Action for Transformation Role of Universities in Urban Poles (RUnUP) Network Clive Winters, Lead Expert Barakaldo, Spain, 17 th June."— Presentation transcript:

1 URBACT II: Local Action for Transformation Role of Universities in Urban Poles (RUnUP) Network Clive Winters, Lead Expert Barakaldo, Spain, 17 th June 2010

2 INTRODUCTION  From iron and steel industrial rationalisation, unemployment, industrial ruin, contaminated land, districts among industrial areas and lack of facilities and green areas.  To economic development model, job creation, quality of life, communication links, non polluting industries  Barakaldo Transformation

3 URBACT II OVERVIEW › URBACT is a European Exchange and Learning Programme promoting sustainable urban development URBACT enables cities to work together to develop solutions to major urban challenges, reaffirming the key role they play in facing increasingly complex societal challenges. › The URBACT II programme recognises the urban contribution to growth and jobs and that cities are home to innovation, entrepreneurial spirit and economic growth.  Priority axis 1 in particular recognises the important themes of promoting entrepreneurship and improving innovation and the knowledge economy and the development of triple helix structures as catalysts to promote innovation structures and entrepreneurial spirit. ›

4 RUnUP OVERVIEW › Cities are widely recognised as playing a fundamental role in the promotion of the knowledge economy Most research and policy has focussed on large cities with World-class educational and research institutes and advanced clusters of economic activity › There are clear and significant gaps in the knowledge of how smaller sized cities, with different levels and types of knowledge institutions and different levels of economic activity can compete within the Knowledge Economy. Such cities are recognised within European Union policy as playing a vital role in the implementation of the Lisbon agenda.

5 RUnUP OVERVIEW › The network has addressed in a uniquely different way the fundamental issues of how universities should engage with their local communities. With a particular focus on small and medium-sized cities; the role of local authorities and municipalities and the importance of triple helix structures for supporting economic development and encouraging entrepreneurship. 9 partner medium-sized European Cities in the Knowledge Economy  Gateshead,UK (Lead Partner)  Agueda, Portugal  Barakaldo, Spain  Campobasso, Italy  Dunkerque, France  Leszno, Poland  Patras, Greece  Potsdam, Germany  Solna, Sweden

6 LOCAL ACTION PLAN DEVELOPMENT › A core aim of the URBACT II programme is to "assist city policy-makers and practitioners (including managers of operational programmes) to define, and put into practice, Action Plans for sustainable urban development“  Local Action Plans (LAPs) are a new dimension to the URBACT Programme. Drawing on the URBACT I experience, they are intended to:  Improve the impact of transnational exchange and learning on local policies;  Give concrete form to the outputs from networking activities carried out by partners;  Be an instrument of further change.

7 LOCAL ACTION PLAN DEVELOPMENT Review Evidence Base Stakeholder Analysis Problem Analysis Goals and Objectives Outputs and Activities Indicators and Targets Risks and Assumptions Logical Framework Analysis Consultation on Draft Plan Launch Action Plan

8 Concluding Remarks › This thematic event in Barakaldo with a focus on talent attraction and retention provides a unique opportunity to exchange practice between cities and explore economic development actions  Provide a valuable input into the work of the local support groups in particular to the development of the local action plans  Local action plans provide a mechanism for real transformation at a local level.  Talent attraction and retention alongside other priorities is an important dimension of the local action plan development


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