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1. The eye is drawn to the light. 2. The eye is also drawn to movement.. 3. Contrast can be TOO HIGH. Effective Presentation Slides.

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Presentation on theme: "1. The eye is drawn to the light. 2. The eye is also drawn to movement.. 3. Contrast can be TOO HIGH. Effective Presentation Slides."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. The eye is drawn to the light. 2. The eye is also drawn to movement.. 3. Contrast can be TOO HIGH. Effective Presentation Slides

2 Which item are you watching most?

3 1.Check for ingredients 2.Preheat oven 3.Mix egg whites and sugar 4.Mix egg yolks and flour

4 5. Fold whites and yolk mixtures together 6. Add 5 lbs. chocolate chips 7. Bake at 250-degrees for 20 minutes 8. Feed Mr. Eisele. 9. Beware of a hungry Mr. Eisele. He may bite you.

5 1.NEVER DO THIS  use a slide to type a long word-for- word text to match your speech. YOUR SPEECH will be the text. The slides should simply reinforce key terms and concepts to help listeners remember them, AND provide a visual outline to the speech. This is an example of what NOT to do. It is way too much text for one page. Don’t force the audience to go through this.

6 1.There’s a reason so many TV shows use a blue gradient background. It works! 2.Three safest colors for text: WHITE, YELLOW and CYAN. THIS COLOR is cyan, a blueish-green.

7 1.Avoid slides that are too “ busy” with multiple patterns, colors, fonts, etc. as they can be hard to read. 2.Use animations ONLY if it enhances your message. Otherwise it can be a distraction. Avoid “busy” look Avoid distracting Animations Yes, like this!

8 1.Normally, try to limit yourself to 2 fonts. 2.Try to limit yourself to two text colors as well. As always, if you have a JUSTIFICATION/REASON to use more, you can do so.

9 1.How readable is this? 2.Normally lighter text on a darker background works well. 3.Since we have been raised reading newspapers and computer printing (black on white), it works, too.


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