Dreams sequence of images, emotions, and thoughts passing through a sleeping person’s mind hallucinatory imagery, discontinuities and incongruities delusional.

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Presentation on theme: "Dreams sequence of images, emotions, and thoughts passing through a sleeping person’s mind hallucinatory imagery, discontinuities and incongruities delusional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dreams sequence of images, emotions, and thoughts passing through a sleeping person’s mind hallucinatory imagery, discontinuities and incongruities delusional acceptance of the content difficulties remembering NREM – boring, short REM – Vivid, “real time”, long

2 Dreams Dreams Early dreams – daily events
Late dreams – longest, most vivid, strangest 8 out of 10 dreams are negative in feeling Most common dream themes: Falling, Being Chased, Teeth Falling Out, Flying Back at School, Nakedness

3 Dreams Dreams Women dream of men and women equally; men dream about men 65% of time Sensory stimuli of sleep environment can intrude into dreams

4 Lucid Dreaming Lucid Dreaming: dreams where you realize you are dreaming and are able to control the dream Incubated Dreaming: conscious suggestion to the unconscious to dream about certain content

5 Dreams: Freud Sigmund Freud– wrote The Interpretation of Dreams (1900)
Manifest Content remembered story line Latent Content underlying meaning (usually sexual according to Freud)

6 Dream Theories Freud’s Theory: 1. Wish Fulfillment
Dreams express otherwise unacceptable feelings; “psychic safety valve” Called dream the “royal road” to the unconscious

7 Dream Theories 2. Information-Processing
Dreams are for “mental housekeeping” Dreams help us sort out the day’s events and consolidate memories Learning and reverse learning (to forget) Ex: High grades – high sleep correlation

8 Dream Theories 3. Physiological Functioning
Brain stimulation from REM sleep may help develop and preserve neural pathways Explains why infants spend so much time in sleep and REM

9 Dream Theories 4. Activation-Synthesis
Dream is your brain trying to make sense out of random neural firings Limbic system (emotion) and visual cortex have increased activity while dreaming Bottom line: Dreams are personal but meaningless


11 Dream Theories 5. Cognitive Theory
Dream content reflects dreamer’s cognitive development Children under 9: Dreams are like slideshows that don’t make sense Older: Coherent storylines in which we are actors

12 Sleep Learning? Can we learn while sleeping? No.

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