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A Great Success. Project Partners Dungannon West RenewalSouth West College Dungannon.

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Presentation on theme: "A Great Success. Project Partners Dungannon West RenewalSouth West College Dungannon."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Great Success

2 Project Partners Dungannon West RenewalSouth West College Dungannon

3 Project Supporter Department for Social Development

4 What Students gained from Programme OCN Level 2 National Qualification CIEH Level 2 Award in Food Safety CIEH, Emergency First Aid at Work Qualification EGSA Skills Assessment and interview Visits to South West College’s Stem Centre and the BBC to stimulate and broaden horizons On completion of programme participants receive 10 driving lessons, the hire of a car and a 1 hour lesson, and the cost of both practical and theory tests

5 Need for the Project 968 residents in Dungannon NRA (Ninis Profile 2008) 26.2% residents aged between 16-25 (2001 Census) Antisocial behaviour has risen by 36.8% between 2007 and 2009 (Ninis Area Profile 2009) Recorded crime has risen by 46.3% between 2007 and 2009 (Ninis Area Profile 2009) Residents reporting their general health- not good is 20.65 as compared to a NI average of 10.7% (2001 Census)

6 Dungannon Skills Audit Mentor Economic Development Results 85% of NRA residents are not involved in any form of learning 49% are interested in some form of learning 59% have not undertaken learning since leaving school 55% are interested in computer courses 43% extremely interested in access to computer while learning 46% interested in support to seek new jobs 74% perceive little opportunity to find work 19% are unemployed Only 1% in full time education

7 IT Training

8 Food Safety

9 First Aid


11 Todd’s Leap Teambuilding Day


13 STEM Centre Visit

14 BBC Visit



17 AMMA Centre Visit


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