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Molecular Biology C SSheng Zhao ( 赵晟 ), Biochemistry and Molecular Department of Medical school in Southeast University CCouse QQ Club: 112342994 (

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Presentation on theme: "Molecular Biology C SSheng Zhao ( 赵晟 ), Biochemistry and Molecular Department of Medical school in Southeast University CCouse QQ Club: 112342994 ("— Presentation transcript:

1 Molecular Biology C SSheng Zhao ( 赵晟 ), Biochemistry and Molecular Department of Medical school in Southeast University CCouse QQ Club: 112342994 ( 分子生物学 C ) WWeb: EEmail: or QQQ /MSN/Skype/gChat: MMobile:18551669724 or 13675130010 Conception, theory, research, and application ——Logic and LIY (Learn It Yourself)

2 Section 1 : How a song can change a genome ——From bird song to infant language learning (Language learning and language disorder) Section 2: Life rhythm ——Biological clock in photoperiod animals (endocrine cycle and time for medicine) Case 2 : Taking from the movie: ”Talk to her” ——Human vegetables (Animal modeling for Brain injury) Chapter 3: Rap A Gene Song (Disease research and model animals)

3 Section 1 : How a song can change a genome ——From bird song to infant language learning (Language learning and language disorder) Section 2: Life rhythm ——Biological clock in photoperiod animals (endocrine cycle and time for medicine) Case 2 : Taking from the movie: ”Talk to her” ——Human vegetables (Animal modeling for Brain injury) Chapter 3: Rap A Gene Song (Disease research and model animals) “Talk to Her” (Spanish: Hable con ella) is a 2002 Spanish drama written and directed by Pedro Almodóvar, and starring Javier Cámara, Darío Grandinetti, Leonor Watling, Geraldine Chaplin, and Rosario Flores. The film won the 2002 Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay and the 2003 Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign-Language Film.

4 Application of language therapy combined with music therapy on comatose patients with severe head injury Topic: Cai Qin, Wang Xin, Lu Zhou-zhou, Yu Fu-chao Talk to her/him, even if she/he can not answer (Come to class, even if there is no roll call~) (Talk to class, even if there is no student~)

5 Sing to her/him, even if you need a paper…

6 陈翔溆


8 Animal model for Brain injury Weight Drop model Impact Acceleration model Controlled Cortical Injury model Fluid Percussion model 郭艳

9 Feeney's model fluid percussion injury Controlled cordical impact models 马战胜


11 Classification Persistent Vegetative Vtate(PVS) Upto 4 weeks Continuous Vegetative Vtate (CVS) >4wks to 12month Permanent Vegetative State (PVS) >1 year

12 Main causes of PVS Acute traumatic brain injurytraumatic brain injury Non-traumatic: neurodegenerative disorder of the brain disorder Severe congenital abnormality of the central nervous system.central nervous system

13 R ECOVERY Two dimensions of recovery; 1- Consciousness ; Awareness of self and the environment. Consistent voluntary behavioral responses to visual and auditory stimuli. Interaction with others. 2- Functional ; Ability to learn and to perform adaptive tasks. Mobility Self-care Participation in recreational or vocational activities. Recovery of consciousness may occur without functional recovery, but functional recovery cannot occur without recovery of consciousness (Ashwal, 1994).


15 Name: 姜成荣 ID : 133752

16 3R S :减少研究对动物的伤害 Reduction 减少 : Reducing the number of animals used in experiments by: Improving experimental techniques Improving techniques of data analysis Sharing information with other researchers Refinement 优化 : Refining the experiment or the way the animals are cared for so as to reduce their suffering by: Using less invasive techniques Better medical care Better living conditions Replacement 替代 : Replacing experiments on animals with alternative techs such as: Experimenting on cell cultures instead of whole animals Using computer models Studying human volunteers Using epidemiological studies

17 All beings are equal !!! The cruelty of animal experiments is , the animals suffered from not only the death,but also the untoleranable pain from both mentality and idiosoma

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