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Objective 1.4. Objective 1.3 offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range of arguments, factors or hypotheses; opinions or conclusions.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective 1.4. Objective 1.3 offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range of arguments, factors or hypotheses; opinions or conclusions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective 1.4

2 Objective 1.3 offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range of arguments, factors or hypotheses; opinions or conclusions should be presented clearly and supported by appropriate evidence *Essay

3 Objective 1.3 The aim of research at the biological level of analysis is significantly different from research at the cognitive and socio-cultural level. You will need to have a clear understanding of how and why two research methods can be used specifically at the biological level of analysis with specific research study examples.

4 First things first, what are ethical considerations? This should be discussed in your essay.

5 Ethics are codes or rules which govern the practices of a research study. Ethics are codes or rules which govern the practices of a research study. It dictates how information, and participant relationships should be managed. It dictates how information, and participant relationships should be managed. Ethical Considerations:

6 An action may be legal but unethical. However some acts are both illegal and unethical. An action may be legal but unethical. However some acts are both illegal and unethical. Ethical considerations occur when you are required to use these rules to better serve your participant in your research study. Ethical considerations occur when you are required to use these rules to better serve your participant in your research study. Ethical Considerations:

7 General ethical consideration topics at the Biological Level of analysis: Animal & Human considerations Animal & Human considerations Post-Mortem considerations Post-Mortem considerations Genetic research considerations Genetic research considerations Objective 1.4



10 Discussion Question

11 Objective 1.4






17 Two British scientists, Bill Russell and Rex Burch introduced the “3Rs” as a framework for considering the ethical use of animals. Replacement Replacement Refinement Refinement Reduction Reduction Objective 1.4

18 If animal experiments can not be avoided protocols should be refined to minimize any adverse effects for each individual animal. If animal experiments can not be avoided protocols should be refined to minimize any adverse effects for each individual animal. Appropriate anesthesia and numbing should be used for any surgical intervention. Appropriate anesthesia and numbing should be used for any surgical intervention. Staff should be well trained, and housing should be of a high standard with appropriate environmental enrichment. Animals should be protected from pathogens. Staff should be well trained, and housing should be of a high standard with appropriate environmental enrichment. Animals should be protected from pathogens. Russell and Burch sought to ensure the following considerations for animals:

19 1. Reduction – reducing the number of animals used in experiments by a. improving experimental techniques b. improving techniques of data analysis c. sharing information with other researchers

20 2. Refinement – refining the experiment or the way animals are cared for so as to reduce their suffering by a. using as few invasive techniques as possible b. providing better medical and anesthetic care c. providing better living conditions


22 3. Replacement – replacing experiments on animals with alternative techniques such as a. experimenting on cell structures instead of whole animals b. using computer models (as is the case with many gene studies) c. using human volunteers (whenever ethically possible) d. using case studies (population studies designed to examine associations between personal characteristics and environmental exposures that increase the risk of disease)

23 This weekend… Study for Quiz #1 (Q1)!

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