Implementing the New Graduation Plans in Socorro ISD.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing the New Graduation Plans in Socorro ISD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing the New Graduation Plans in Socorro ISD

2 What is HB5 and What Does it Change? Reduces the number of STAAR/EOC tests to five: English I, English II, Algebra I, Biology and US History. Requires each student entering 9 th grade after 2014 to graduate under the new graduation plans. It also requires each student entering 9 th grade after 2014 to choose an endorsement.

3 What are Other Changes? New attendance requirements: If a student is not in attendance 90% of the time, student will receive “LOC” instead of a grade and will receive no credit until the LOC contract is completed.

4 HB5 and Achieve Texas There are specific requirements through Achieve Texas such as the Texas Achievement Plan or TAP. There are certain requirements through HB5 such as the Personal Graduation Plan and Endorsements. How do they work together?

5 We Have New Graduation Plans If you graduate with an SISD Endorsement, you Graduate DLA. SISD has Prescribed the DLA for all students. SISD Foundation SISD Foundation plus Endorsement Distinguished Level of Achievement (SISD Foundation, plus Endorsement and Algebra II) Automatic admission to most 4 year TX public universities (Top 10% + DLA) Postsecondary Education

6 Required Classes for All SISD Students

7 What is an Endorsement? An Endorsement is: An Endorsement is similar to a college major. This is the plan that students will choose to determine his/her course of study in high school. Students must choose an Endorsement before registering for high school.

8 Five Available Endorsements

9 STEM: S cience T echnology E ngineering & M ath Project Lead the Way Biomedical Engineering Engineering Computer Science

10 Business and Industry Agriculture, Food and Natural Science Architecture and Construction A/V Technology and Communication Business Management and Administration Hospitality and Tourism Information Technology Manufacturing Marketing Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

11 Public Service Education and Training Health Science Human Services Law, Public Safety and Security

12 Arts and Humanities Performing Arts AP Social Studies IB Social Studies LOTE American Sign Language Legal Services

13 ___ STEM ___ Arts and Humanities Multidisciplinary ___ Business and Industry ___ Public Service Socorro ISD HB5 Endorsement Verification Form ___ STEM Science Technology Engineering and Math ___ Arts and Humanities Multidisciplinary ___ Business and Industry Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources  Veterinary Technology (EDHS /EHS)  Landscape Management (EDHS/EHS)  Floral Design (EDHS/EHS) Architecture and Construction  Architecture  HVAC Technology (EDHS) A/V Technology & Communications  Animation  Audio and Video Production/Media Tech and Film Production (Broadcasting)  Fashion Design (MHS)  Newspaper  Public Speaking  Journalism Business Management and Administration  Business Management Finance  Banking and Financial Services Hospitality and Tourism  Culinary Arts Information Technology  Computer and Network Systems  Computer Programmer  Digital Interactive Media Manufacturing  Welding (AHS/EDHS) Marketing  Marketing and Sports Promotion (EDHS/AHS/SHS/EHS) Transportation, Distribution and Logistics  Automotive Technology ___ Public Service Education and Training  Teacher Preparation (AHS) Government and Public Administration  Libertas Academy-Government (Libertas accepted students only)  Libertas Academy-Public Administration (Libertas accepted students only) Health Science  Athletic/Personal Trainer  *Biomedical Engineering under STEM  Health Occupations (Non Academy)  Dentistry (SHS/HPA accepted students only)  Emergency Medical Technician (SHS/HPA accepted students only)  Pharmacy Technician (SHS/HPA accepted students only)  Physician (SHS/HPA accepted students only)  Pre-Nursing (SHS/HPA accepted students only) Human Services  Cosmetology  Early Childhood Development (Child Care Management) Law, Public Safety and Security  Corrections  *Emergency and Fire Management Services (EDHS, SHS)  Police Officer and Law Enforcement  Security and Protective Services  Libertas Academy-LAW (AHS Libertas accepted students only)  *Legal Services will move to Arts and Humanities Socorro ISD HB5 Endorsement Verification Form ___ STEM Science Technology Engineering and Math  Project Lead the Way  Engineering and Design  *Biomedical Engineering  Synergi (MHS)  Computer Science-SATA (EHS)  IB (EDHS) ___ Arts and Humanities  Performing Arts (art, dance, etc.) (Find Performing Arts in the Arts and AV Technology in the CCRP)  AP Social Studies  The same language in a language other than English (LOTE)  *Legal Services (Find Legal Services in Law & Public Safety in the CCRP) Multidisciplinary ___ Business and Industry Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources  Veterinary Technology (EDHS /EHS)  Landscape Management (EDHS/EHS)  Floral Design (EDHS/EHS) Architecture and Construction  Architecture  HVAC Technology (EDHS) A/V Technology & Communications  Animation  Audio and Video Production/Media Tech and Film Production (Broadcasting)  Fashion Design (MHS)  Newspaper  Public Speaking  Journalism Business Management and Administration  Business Management Finance  Banking and Financial Services Hospitality and Tourism  Culinary Arts Information Technology  Computer and Network Systems  Computer Programmer  Digital Interactive Media Manufacturing  Welding (AHS/EDHS) Marketing  Marketing and Sports Promotion (EDHS/AHS/SHS/EHS) Transportation, Distribution and Logistics  Automotive Technology ___ Public Service Education and Training  Teacher Preparation (AHS) Government and Public Administration  Libertas Academy-Government (Libertas accepted students only)  Libertas Academy-Public Administration (Libertas accepted students only) Health Science  Athletic/Personal Trainer  *Biomedical Engineering under STEM  Health Occupations (Non Academy)  Dentistry (SHS/HPA accepted students only)  Emergency Medical Technician (SHS/HPA accepted students only)  Pharmacy Technician (SHS/HPA accepted students only)  Physician (SHS/HPA accepted students only)  Pre-Nursing (SHS/HPA accepted students only) Human Services  Cosmetology  Early Childhood Development (Child Care Management) Law, Public Safety and Security  Corrections  *Emergency and Fire Management Services (EDHS, SHS)  Police Officer and Law Enforcement  Security and Protective Services  Libertas Academy-LAW (AHS Libertas accepted students only)  *Legal Services will move to Arts and Humanities Socorro ISD HB5 Endorsement Verification Form

14 Student Name: ___________________________________ ID#: __________________________________ Middle School Campus: ___________________________________________________________________ Program of Study: 1 st Choice: ___________________________________________________________ 2 nd Choice: ___________________________________________________________ 3 rd Choice: ___________________________________________________________ Endorsement: ____________________________________________________________________ Student Signature: _________________________ ____________________ Date: __________________ Parent Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: __________________ Counselor Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: __________________ *Students graduating on the Distinguished Level of Achievement plan and in the Top 10% of their graduating class, will be eligible for automatic admission to any Texas public 4 year university.

15 Parent Portion Students will take a copy of the HB5 Endorsement Verification Form (EVF) and a copy of the Texas Achievement Plan (TAP) Students and parents should have a conversation regarding the Endorsement selected explaining why it was chosen. All students and parents MUST sign and return HB5 Endorsement Verification Form (EVF)and Texas Achievement Plan (TAP) prior to registering for high school.

16 Mark Your Calendar! HB5 Parent Night The next HB5 Parent Night will be held on Thursday, March 5, 2015 Ensor Library in the Ensor Library 5 p.m. Starting at 5 p.m. See you here!

17 Questions? Feel free to contact Ensor Counselors Mrs. Acevedo – last names beginning with A – L 937.6013 937.6013 Mrs. Aguirre – last names beginning with M – Z Mrs. Aguirre – last names beginning with M – Z937.6014

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