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How Natural Selection Happens. How Natural Selection Works How does the “fittest” organism happen?

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Presentation on theme: "How Natural Selection Happens. How Natural Selection Works How does the “fittest” organism happen?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Natural Selection Happens

2 How Natural Selection Works How does the “fittest” organism happen?

3 How do we get organisms with the best traits? 1. Lots of offspring

4 2.Differences or variations occur in those offspring (due to sexual reproduction or mutations)

5 3.Some variations are helpful, this results in a better chance of survival, reproduction, and passing on of those good variations.

6 4.Over time, individuals with new variations may become a new species. This is evolution.

7 Giraffes with long necks exist because… 1.Mom and Dad giraffe had lots of offspring 2.Those offspring were each different. 3.Some had helpful variations (longer necks) which meant better survival (more food) and more likely to reproduce. 4.Long neck genes get passed on to future offspring, eventually a new species of giraffe occurs.

8 Mom and Dad bug had lots of offspring Those offspring were each different. Some had helpful variations (grey) which meant better survival (not eaten) and more likely to reproduce. Grey genes get passed on to future offspring, eventually a new species of bug occurs.

9 and-Kiwis-Evolutionary-Adventure-Video

10 Adaptations are variations that make an organism better suited for its environment. Adaptations can be physical (on their body) or behavioral.

11 Adaptations can help an organism….

12 Attract a mate

13 Warn predators

14 Hide from predators (camouflage)


16 Imitate a more dangerous animal (mimicry)

17 mimicry

18 Geographic Isolation can allow some variations to appear in a species that might have been otherwise stayed hidden

19 Geographic Isolation

20 Geographically Isolated Animal Examples Flightless birds and mouse lemurs

21 Speed of Evolution

22 Gradualism- a continuous series of mutations and variations over time will result in a new species.

23 Punctuated Equilibrium- rapid evolution that occurs when the mutation of a few genes results in the appearance of a new species over a relatively short time. + The 0.1% of bacteria that survives, reproduces and now is resistant to the spray

24 How many germs will survive? 20,000 single celled organisms, which are genetically different from the dead, will still survive and continue to reproduce.

25 So what? Why does evolution matter?

26 asia/report-published-on-3-who-died-from- h7n9-bird-flu.html?_r=0 siness/report-on-us-meat-sounds-alarm- on-superbugs.html?_r=0 April 16, 2013 Report on U.S. Meat Sounds Alarm on Resistant Bacteria

27 The End of Evolution….or is it? http:// qae7vuUWo&feature=PlayList&p=60D07D 9950E069A4&playnext_from=PL&playnext =1&index=16

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