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Mercy Seat Ministries.

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1 Mercy Seat Ministries

2 Session 1 Foundations of the Mercy Seat
After introducing yourself get the group to give a brief snapshot of themselves and how they are involved at their Corps. Introduction: My experiences w/Mercy Seat Ministry. As we go through the day, think about the following: Experiences you have had as person kneeling at Mercy Seat How you have dealt w/others at Mercy Seat What you would like to know as result of this seminar Open with prayer.

3 International Mission Statement
The Salvation Army An international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian Church. Its message is based upon the Bible; Its ministry is motivated by love for God; Its mission is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and meet human needs in His Name without discrimination. We will begin by discussing the meaning and purpose of the mercy seat ministry. But before we discuss the significance of the mercy seat, let us think about who we are ask Christians and Soldiers in the Salvation Army. Can someone tell me what the purpose of The Salvation Army is? Allow a few moments for response and discussion. Then display and read the “Mission Statement”. The Salvation Army International Mission Statement outlines the purpose and nature of our activity as a church. Read the first part of the Mission Statement: “The Salvation Army, An international movement, is an evangelical part of the universal Christian church.” And the fact that we are a church means that: Our message is based upon the Bible; Its ministry is motivated by love for God; And our mission is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and meet human needs in His Name without discrimination. The Army’s mission statement. This is what we are; this is why we are. If we lose sight of this then we cease to be needed in the world. In the book of the Revelation of St. John, the Divine, the message is plain. If we leave our “first love” God will remove the candlestick – the symbol of our authority.

4 Of Leading People To Christ
Biblical Examples... Of Leading People To Christ Disciples Bringing Other Disciples To Christ Andrew brings Simon-Peter to Christ (John 1:40-42) Philip brings Nathaniel to Christ (John 1:43-49) Disciples Bringing Seekers to Christ Philip leads the Ethiopian to Christ (Acts 8:26-38) Christ Call the Disciples “Come follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19) Biblical Examples of Leading People to Christ Just after his first encounter with Jesus, Andrew tells his brother, Simon – the rock (Cephas – Petrus – Peter) on which the church was built. What would have happened had Philip not evangelized his brother. What difference has our failing to do the same thing made to the church universal? Let’s look at another kind of an example. Acts 8:26-38 PP #4 click- “Philip leads….” PP #4 click- “Christ calling….” Matthew 4:19 PP #4 click- “Come follow me….” Philip encounters someone who needs help in explaining the Scripture. Are you equipped to do the same? Finally, we have the divine example of Jesus himself calling his first disciples to follow him. Have someone read Matthew 4:19. Then ask: What did Jesus mean by “I will make you fishers of men? What does this mean for our lives today? Though this command was originally given to the disciples, it applies to all who would seek Christ. It also demonstrates that He calls us to be involved in the plan of Salvation.

5 The MEANING... A Place of God’s Presence Hebrew: kapporeth, a "covering;” the covering or lid of the ark of the covenant. It is compared to the throne of grace. The Holy of Holies is called the "place of the mercy-seat.” The mercy seat is a place where people come to be in God’s presence. Understanding that there are different sorts of ways to lead people to Christ, let’s look a little at the meaning, the motivation, and the method behind the mercy seat ministry PP #5 click- “A place of…” The term “mercy seat” comes from the Hebrew word “kapporeth,” which means a "covering". PP #5 click- “Hebrew….” In the Old Testament it refers to the covering or lid of the Ark of the Covenant, where the children of Israel (God’s people) kept the Ten Commandments. The ark’s covering was made of acacia wood, overlaid with gold, or perhaps rather a plate of solid gold, 2 1/2 cubits long and 1 1/2 broad (Ex. 25:17; 30:6; 31:7). PP #5 click- “It is compared….” Ephesians 2:6 compares the place of mercy with the throne of grace, that place where God sits upon his throne. Hebrews 9:5 associates the covering of the alter and the cherubim, creatures that represent God’s glory and presence. PP #5 click- “The Holy of Holies….” The Holy of Holies is called the "place of the mercy-seat" (1 Chronicles. 28:11: Lev. 16:2). This is significant, because in Jewish culture only the chief priest was permitted to enter the Holy of Holies, that place of God’s presence. PP #5 click – “The mercy seat is …” But thanks to Christ’s self-sacrifice, today anyone can come to the mercy seat to be in God’s presence. In many churches people seek Lord at a specific place. In the Army - adopted an old Jewish tradition of the idea of a place where God could be found. It must be recognized that there is no virtue in the place itself. To suggest such would be to limit God to our way of thinking. He is right where we are.

6 The MEANING... A Place of Sacrifice and Forgiveness
Israel made animal sacrifices for their sins on the mercy seat on the “Day of Atonement” (Yom Kippur). Paul says that Christ was a Mercy Seat “in His own blood.” We now approach the mercy seat bringing the broken sacrifice of ourselves, remembering the perfect sacrifice of Christ that covers all. In return we seek forgiveness and healing. The mercy seat is also a place of sacrifice and healing. In Old Testament times, people brought a literal animal sacrifice to the alter. They would sprinkle the blood of the sacrifice on the altar, or mercy seat, on their annual Day of Atonement, or “Yom Kippur”. (Leviticus 23:27) The idea of atonement is that they would pay for, or atone for, their sins by offering the blood of an animal sacrifice. Obviously, no animal’s blood would make up for their transgression, so they would also ask for God’s mercy and forgiveness of their sins. God’s mercy made up the difference where their token sacrifice failed to pay the price

7 The MOTIVATION... Most people come to the mercy seat to meet with God. Some people also come to the mercy seat to meet God, by coming to Him for the first time.

8 The METHOD... A Place of Surrender and Strength
The mercy seat, also known as the penitent form, is in every Salvation Army sanctuary. William Booth always believed that it was good to confess one's surrender to God … in public. Wherever anyone feels they must live as God wants them to live, that place can be their Penitent Form or Mercy Seat. Christ came to fulfill the scriptures. He has become the way to God – the only way. Propitiation – The fear of the wrath of God which has been removed by Christ through the shedding of His blood on Calvary. We are delivered form the tyranny of death; the evil of the flesh has been has been crucified with Christ our lives are not in vain. Christ has overcome the world.

9 Guidelines for Mercy Seat Ministry
Session 2 Guidelines for Mercy Seat Ministry

10 Characteristics of a Good Counselor
Knowledge of God’s Word Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit Faith Love Understanding Tact Sincerity

11 General Considerations
Allow nothing to come between the seeker and his commitments. The devil will not give up his prisoner easily. Ladies need to be careful not to wear clothing that could be regarded as provocative. The aptness of Army uniform cannot be too strongly emphasized

12 Our Limitations We cannot “fix” their problems.
Band-aids don’t heal broken hearts. Freedom of the press does not apply. We are not professional counselors. Our only authority comes from God’s Word.

13 Mandatory Reporting

14 Our ministry as mercy seat counselor involves three main things:
Helping bear others’ burdens through prayer. This also involves listening. Guiding people into acceptance of God’s promises for their lives through personalizing Scripture. When necessary, referring those in certain need to the officer or a source of professional help.

15 Beyond the Mercy Seat Prayer Referral Follow-up

16 Session 3 Counseling the Seeker

17 Preparing the Way... PRAYER- Seeking God’s guidance
Be aware of age, gender, & background These guidelines apply for all people at the altar, whether or not they are first-time seekers

18 Kneeling with the Seeker...
Silent prayer (for guidance, and for the seeker) Personal introductions (if necessary) Questioning (why is the seeker here?) Listening (hearing the seeker’s felt need) Sharing God’s promises (making the Bible personal) Prayer with the seeker (if possible, both should pray) This personal preparation should preface all aspects of mercy seat counseling. You can only do this work with God’s help.

19 Counseling First-Time Seekers:
Emphasize God’s love. (John 3:16) Outline the way of Salvation. Point out God’s answer- Jesus Christ. Stress the need to accept Christ personally. Encourage a definite decision. Consolidate through prayer. Make plans for follow-up.

20 Counseling for Holiness
Emphasize God’s power (Matthew 28:18) Emphasize God’s promise (Ephesians 3:14-21) Emphasize the work of the Holy Spirit (John 16:13) Emphasize Commitment (Hebrews 12:1)

21 Counseling for Restoration
Avoid too much pressure or probing Confessions must be treated in confidence The seeker may need to speak with an officer Assure them of God’s pardon of what they have confessed (1 John 1:9) and of God’s (and your) unconditional acceptance Encourage use of “The Armor of God” (Ephesians 6:13) and other things to help prevent further backsliding Emphasize the importance of faith (Hebrews 11, SA Doctrines 8-9)

22 Counseling for Rededication
Identify the need. Stress the importance of Scripture and prayer. (2 Timothy 3:16, 1 Thessalonians 5:17) Encourage the seeker to make specific plans for commitment. Move toward rededication of the whole self.

23 Children Find out why the child is at the altar.
Explain that Jesus can always help like a best friend, and he wants to be with them. DO NOT use abstract expressions like “ask Jesus into your heart”. Young children take things literally, and will not understand. Lead the child in a simple prayer. Ask them to repeat after you.

24 Teens In dealing with teens, you may need to initiate the conversation
Be prepared to ask tough questions- they live in tough circumstances If they are first time seekers, move the teens on to making a definite decision If teens make a commitment to Christ with your guidance, be prepared to be available for future help and support

25 Helpful Hints Avoid clichés and “Christian-ese”.
Listen more than you talk. Listen actively (ask questions when necessary). Do not try to force communication or answers. We may know what these things mean but you are dealing with a seeker who is unaware of his theological jargon. Speaking in tongues should only occur when an interpreter is available. Such talk can also be mumbo-jumbo to the uninitiated.

26 Session 4 Case Studies & Role Plays

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