Curriculum Planning Building a strong curriculum.

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1 Curriculum Planning Building a strong curriculum

2 What is curriculum? The experiences and activities that support and guide children’s learning. Learning activities are carefully developed as part of the curriculum framework Gives children relevant educational experiences based on age and development Curriculum in Ontario developed by the Ministry of Education.

3 Setting Goals and Objectives Curriculum is planned to meet all program goals After activities are selected, educators must keep in mind the activity objectives The objectives support goals that relate to all areas of PIES Need to keep in mind what skills, abilities, knowledge, or attitudes the children are expected to develop or master

4 Approaches to Teaching Project Reggio Emilia Theme

5 Approaches Sometimes, all classrooms must follow the same curriculum and approaches to meet program goals Others allow teachers individual choice in planning Teachers do most planning Team planning occurs in early childhood classes Requires cooperative, respectful relationships among staff

6 Project Approach Allows children to explore in developmentally appropriate ways Topic is chosen by teachers and children Teachers make sure projects allow children to investigate topics that will benefit them as people and learners Stem from interests and questions Generates enthusiasm and curiosity

7 When using project approach … Teachers should keep in mind the following: Grouping Children Large groups or small groups Project Goals Main goal is learning to find answers on their own Selecting Topics Revolve around familiar objects, people, or events Using Resources Books, photos, guest speakers Field Trips Gives real experience Gathering, organizing and representing ideas Children learn to collect this information in different ways Assessing Project Learning Record children’s actual dialogue and photos to allow for learning to occur

8 Reggio Emilia Approach With this approach: Children are considered competent, capable and motivated Collaborate in learning – everyone learns together The physical environment is purposefully designed and organized Curriculum is project based Children construct projects in all areas of curriculum to represent learning

9 Theme Approach Thematic unit approach Theme is a central topic, or theme, selected by the teacher Belief it will entice children Teachers think of, plan, and conduct activities for a few weeks Used to teach specific concepts (colours, shapes, numbers, letters) Theme developed for each curriculum area

10 Implementing Curriculum No one way that works better Based on teacher and students Curriculum is implemented to encourage children’s basic learning skills: Need to learn gradually how to focus, pay attention and concentrate These skills help them to follow directions and cooperate Need to learn to listen to others’ ideas and express own ideas Working in groups or individually is also necessary

11 Teaching Styles Some teachers are theatrical, calm or relaxed Spontaneous Teachers plan activities based on their teaching style Teachers beliefs about children and how they learn can affect their style Children benefit from different styles – they relate to one style better than another, but important to learn how to relate to all types – more versatile learners

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