An Equal Opportunity University Student Health Insurance UK Student Insurance Coordinators Melynda Burke UK Graduate School Emily Duncan University Health.

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Presentation on theme: "An Equal Opportunity University Student Health Insurance UK Student Insurance Coordinators Melynda Burke UK Graduate School Emily Duncan University Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Equal Opportunity University Student Health Insurance UK Student Insurance Coordinators Melynda Burke UK Graduate School Emily Duncan University Health Service

2 An Equal Opportunity University What is a Funded Graduate Student? Each semester students must be: Enrolled in the Graduate School Degree-seeking In UK payroll with an assignment as a full-time TA, RA, GA (20 hrs. per week), or qualifying institutional fellowship recipient* *or a full combination of these positions Only the Graduate Funding Office can verify eligibility for fully-funded status.

3 An Equal Opportunity University As a funded student, how do I sign up? Qualified funded graduate students are automatically enrolled—the entire process is designed to be hassle - free There are no forms or paperwork to complete Email and mailing address are obtained from My UK account – make sure this is current

4 An Equal Opportunity University When does coverage begin? Coverage begins August 20 th The insurance year is broken into only two parts: Fall (August 20 th – December 31 st cost of $743) Spring/Summer (January 1 st – August 19 th cost of $1,279)

5 An Equal Opportunity University How will I receive policy information? Create account in your United “My Account” –Email from System includes: –ID Cards –Claim letters –EOB statements

6 An Equal Opportunity University What if I am not a funded graduate student? Voluntary Purchase: Identical coverage for domestic students is available for purchase online via The plan is $2,022 per year. Monthly installments are International Students: Insurance coverage for international students is mandatory. The fee for the premium is automatically applied to your student bill. The charge for fall semester is $743. The charge for spring/summer will be $1,279.

7 An Equal Opportunity University As a funded international student, when will my insurance charge be paid? After your eligibility as a funded graduate student is confirmed by the Graduate Funding Office, the premium is then paid. Allow one month after the first day of classes for processing each semester. In the event of a processing delay on the Graduate School’s part; you will not be responsible for late fees incurred.

8 An Equal Opportunity University Certificate Brochure

9 An Equal Opportunity University Maximum Benefit

10 An Equal Opportunity University #1 fundamental to understand about the plan structure: This policy is a PPO: preferred provider organization. UK clinic and hospital physicians are the in-area preferred providers. You can incur significantly higher costs away from UK.

11 An Equal Opportunity University Deductible Amount you must satisfy before your insurance will pay for any covered service. –$0 at UHS Providers –$100 at UK Providers –$500 at United Providers –$1,000 at Out-of-Network Providers

12 An Equal Opportunity University Coinsurance Percentage of bill you pay based upon the provider network. –10 % at UHS –20% at UK Providers –35% at United Providers –50% at Out-of-Network

13 An Equal Opportunity University Prescription Benefit Copays based upon provider network and drug tier For drug tiers information: – See Prescription Drug List (PDL) available at, login to “My Account” –Call 1-855-828-7716 or the number on your health ID card Contraceptives covered: –Tier 1 contraceptives covered at 100% when filled at network pharmacy – To locate $0 cost-share contraceptives Login to “To My Account” at

14 An Equal Opportunity University Emergency Room Care Your insurance will not pay for care in the Emergency Room if you do not have an emergency medical condition as defined in your plan brochure. – For example: headache=NO broken leg=YES If you are unsure if your condition is an emergency, call United Health care 24 Nurse Advice Line. 855-383-7875, PIN 722 UHS also has a Phone Nurse Line during business hours. 859 – 323-INFO (4636)

15 An Equal Opportunity University Other policy features... Dependent coverage - if insured on the plan, you can purchase coverage for qualifying dependents at Please note this coverage can only be purchased during open enrollment windows or with a qualifying life Travel assistance – provided by On Call International including: –Medical evacuation, medical referral, lost luggage, travel information, visa, passport, and inoculation requirements. UnitedHealth Allies Discount card - savings of 10% to 25% at the point-of-service for dental and vision care, as well as health and wellness products. –For details, Log in to to download the member handbook, and locate providers and learn more about each savings opportunity. The discount program is not insurance and is provided by OptumHealth as a value-added

16 An Equal Opportunity University Policy Information…… All the tools you will need are available 24 hours a day at:  Read the Certificate Brochure  Search for health care providers in the national network when away from UK  Purchase coverage for yourself and/or your dependents  Print or request replacement ID cards

17 An Equal Opportunity University University Health Service University Health Service is located at 830 S. Limestone Street, directly south of the Kentucky Clinic and in front of the Wethington Building

18 An Equal Opportunity University University Health Service (UHS) is an on-campus clinic available for student use. Servicesinclude: Primary Care Clinic Women’s Care Clinic Nursing Clinic Behavioral Health Clinic Health Education & Promotion Urgent Care What is University Health Service?

19 An Equal Opportunity University Who can use UHS? Full-time students are assessed the health fee with their mandatory fees and tuition. Summer coverage available with optional health fee or on a fee for service basis. Year round health fee available for some programs. (Medicine, Dentistry, MBA (1 year), PT post doc.) 2014-2015 Health Fee: $175/semester

20 An Equal Opportunity University UHS Providers 11 Physicians –Board certified in family practice, internal medicine, emergency medicine, med- peds, psychiatry, occupational and sports medicine. 6 Nurse Practitioners –Certified in family medicine, women’s health and psychiatry. 10 Nurses 7 Nursing Assistants 1 Dietician 2 Certified Health Educators

21 An Equal Opportunity University What does the Health Fee not Cover? The health fee is designed to cover primary care and preventive medicine. Items not covered by the health fee include: Diagnostic testing (X-rays, most lab tests) Hospitalization After hours care: Urgent Treatment, Emergency Room Surgical procedures Referrals to specialists Prescriptions Vaccines Students are encouraged to have health insurance to cover these expenses.

22 An Equal Opportunity University Clinic Hours Monday – Friday:8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Saturday:9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Summer and when school is not in session: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

23 An Equal Opportunity University What should I bring to my appointment at UHS? Don’t forget: Immunization record (copy or picture is OK) UK Student ID card Health insurance card

24 An Equal Opportunity University Cheese! (Take my picture!) Primary and women’s care appointments: (859) 323-APPT (2778) Behavioral health appointments: (859) 323-5511 Phone Information Nurse: (859) 323-INFO (4636) On call physician for after hours emergencies: (859) 323-5321 Compliance fax: (859) 257-9809

25 An Equal Opportunity University Key take-away facts 1.Set up your online account in the United My Account system 2.UK’s physicians and pharmacies will help your dollars go the farthest 3.Instead of memorizing, know how to locate your resources 4.Ask questions as preparation instead of panic

26 An Equal Opportunity University

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