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The cost is $744 for the fall semester The cost for a spouse is $3110 * The cost for children is $1412 per child * The cost is billed to your bursar’s.

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Presentation on theme: "The cost is $744 for the fall semester The cost for a spouse is $3110 * The cost for children is $1412 per child * The cost is billed to your bursar’s."— Presentation transcript:


2 The cost is $744 for the fall semester The cost for a spouse is $3110 * The cost for children is $1412 per child * The cost is billed to your bursar’s account * Must apply for this coverage

3  For most international students – NO  You can not purchase insurance from your Home country and cancel the NIU student health insurance!

4  Doctor and hospital visits for illnesses & injuries  Preventive & well-care  Medically necessary x-rays and lab tests  Physical therapy  Mental health care (counseling)  Prescription drugs  Other necessary medical care

5  Vision *  Dental * (Dental insurance available)  Other exclusions are listed in our brochure * These are covered through our AHPlus discount card

6  Your first choice should be Health Services! Office visits and most services are free to students taking on-campus classes.  If you can’t get into Health Services, make an appointment with a local doctor.  If you need to see a doctor right away, go to an immediate care clinic.  If it is life-threatening, go to the Emergency Room.

7 If you go to NIU Health Services: Most things, including vaccinations, immunizations, birth control are covered 100%. You will owe $0

8 If you go to a doctor off campus or to a hospital: You will owe your annual deductible - $250 & 20% of your medical bills up to a maximum of $5000 Then the insurance will pay 100% of anything else

9  We mail new ID cards to you every year!  ID cards are mailed to your local address  Be sure to UPDATE your local address in your MYNIU!

10 Monday – Friday 8am – 4:30pm 815-753-0122 Health Services Building Room 201

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