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Differentiated Instruction for Gifted Students Mahanoy Area Elementary School November 10, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Differentiated Instruction for Gifted Students Mahanoy Area Elementary School November 10, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Differentiated Instruction for Gifted Students Mahanoy Area Elementary School November 10, 2008

2 What Is a Gifted Student? A Video Representation The Big Bang Theory

3 Warm-up Activity What do you know about gifted students? What are most important to remember? A gifted student is like…

4 Why Differentiate? Gifted students do not need more work 1-2 repetitions for mastery Ongoing assessment is the key

5 Why Differentiate? Gifted students initiate projects Divergent thinkers

6 Why Differentiate? Gifted students get bored easily Can play around but test well

7 Why Differentiate? Gifted students are highly curious Will ask questions rather than share answers

8 How to Differentiate Most difficult first Time for other activities

9 How to Differentiate Enrichment Activities Based on student interest 1. Build with Legos 2. Write a new character into a story 3. Options for presenting knowledge 4. Provide activities that might include 3 or more unrelated objects (ruler, cookie, etc.) to be tied together. 5. Create a soundtrack that would enhance the theme of a story 6. Book report option - Take one character - What would you find in his/her garbage? Relate it back to the plot 7. Original musical composition to be used by school band. REAL WORLD CONNECTION 8. Direct a play 9. Multimedia project

10 How to Differentiate Content differentiation – Develop relationships – Based on multiple intelligences – Acceleration – Inquiry

11 How to Differentiate Process differentiation – Creative thinking – Open-ended tasks – Choices – Group projects with intellectual peers

12 How to Differentiate Product differentiation Multiple intelligences Real world problems Research

13 Teacher Checklist Page 7 of handout Content, process, product AND Learning environment

14 Gardner’s MI Multiple Intelligences All students have intelligence in different areas Will work for all students!!!!

15 Other Ideas Independent studies Learning centers Interest centers or interest groups Apprenticeships and mentorships

16 Independent Work Explore – – – or any other website to generate ideas for how to differentiate learning in your classroom. Ticket out the door – Share one (or more) idea of how you plan to differentiate instruction in your classroom before the Christmas break. – All ideas will be posted on my wikispace.

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