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Differentiated Instruction Andrea Marshall and Carolynn York.

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Presentation on theme: "Differentiated Instruction Andrea Marshall and Carolynn York."— Presentation transcript:

1 Differentiated Instruction Andrea Marshall and Carolynn York

2 What is differentiated instruction? What do we already know?

3 Differentiated instruction: Vygotsky: Social context and the interactions students make with the social context. “Social context and the interactions of the student within that social context play a fundamental role in the acquisition of knowledge. Students in their zone of proximal development can, with resistance, resolve a problem that they could not have resolved alone and move on to another level of knowledge” (Education for All 14) Program-based to student-based Curriculum = what  Differentiation = how Students are different!

4 An approach to teaching guided towards the needs of the students. A philosophy of education. Creating a classroom environment where student’s are motivated to learn. Not every student has to learn or do things at the same time or in the same way. Differentiated instruction is…

5 A teacher can differentiate by means of…

6 Conten t

7 Process

8 Product

9 A teacher can differentiate content, process and product according to student’s… Readiness Interests Learning Profile They do not learn at the same pace. Learning styles You need to know your students.

10 Content Readiness Process Interests Product Learning Profiles

11 Concept map for differentiating instruction (C. A Tomlinson) Please refer to handout!

12 3 ways to differentiate or 4? Content Process Environment Product

13 Strategies to differentiate in the classroom… Readiness/Ability Adjusting questions Compacting curriculum Tiered assignments Acceleration/deceleration Flexible grouping

14 Peer teaching Learning profiles (learning styles) Student interests Reading buddies (elementary students) Independent study tasks Learning contracts Learning centers Anchoring activities

15 Miss. York’s Hamlet lesson… differentiated instruction? - What strategies were used throughout the lesson? - Content, Process or Product? - Readiness, Interests or Learning styles?

16 How else can I differentiate in the classroom? Is there more? Please refer to handout!

17 Differentiated Instruction Design Down What do I want my students to learn? (Content) How will I know they have learned it? (Process) How will I design instruction and assessment to help them learn? (Product) EDUC 8D10 (A. Macdonald)

18 Benefits to differentiating instruction… Teaching to all your students Diversity in the classroom Providing option for your students (choices based on interest) Allowing students to take different steps when learning Assignment with different levels of difficulty (same content)

19 Reduced classroom management issues Student motivation If you can engage your students in your lessons you can create life long and independent learners

20 Remember!! In order to differentiate, you need to take the time to know your students. Takes time Requires energy Equality vs. equity

21 Differentiated Instruction On some level, differentiation is just a teacher acknowledging that kids learn in different ways […] Become a kid watcher. Study the kids in any moment and in any way you can. Learn to see them as individuals rather than a group. Ask them how the class is working for them and how to make it work better. Then begin to respond to what you see. Each step you take will teach you, if you want to learn. If you combine that with regular pre- assessment of student competencies and begin to think about teaching with student needs in mind, you'll be off to a great start. - C. A. Tomlinson

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