Bureau of Labour Statistics U.S., in 2009, found that Women are almost 60 % less likely than men to go into business for themselves How many of you would.

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Presentation on theme: "Bureau of Labour Statistics U.S., in 2009, found that Women are almost 60 % less likely than men to go into business for themselves How many of you would."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bureau of Labour Statistics U.S., in 2009, found that Women are almost 60 % less likely than men to go into business for themselves How many of you would like to be an ENTREPRENEUR???


3 ????????????????????????????? Politically Correct Statement Women face obstacles in starting businesses Economically Accurate Statement Women are less interested in running their own Businesses

4 Characteristics of Female Entrepreneurs

5 Strong Focus on Values

6 Will Ask for Help Don’t have a problem admitting that they’re not sure how to accomplish a certain tas k Will Ask for Help Don’t have a problem admitting that they’re not sure how to accomplish a certain tas k

7 Focused on the Working Environment According to Heffernan, male entrepreneurs see their businesses as a machine. On the other hand, female entrepreneurs see them as living organisms.

8 Strength of the Business

9 Things do not happen to them- instead they make things happen Things do not happen to them- instead they make things happen

10 Women are Less Likely to Purchase Business Women are Less Likely to Go for Technologically Intensive Business & those that don’t have Localized Customers

11 Successful Female entrepreneurs are: Highly Driven Confident Risk – tolerant Prefer Team Based Approach Intelligent and Innovative-But Not "A" Students

12 Getting Funds Only 11% of U.S. firms with venture- capital backing in 2009 had current or former female CEOs or women founders. Why is this?Only 11% of U.S. firms with venture- capital backing in 2009 had current or former female CEOs or women founders. Why is this?

13 Men Spend More Time Networking than Women Do I Mean THIS? Is THIS Fantasy?

14 Lehmen Sisters Wouldn’t Have Failed

15 Gifted Characteristic According to BusinessWeek, hedge funds run by women turned an annual rate of return of 9% between 2000 and 2009—versus 5.82% from funds run by men over the same period.BusinessWeek

16 Women Don’t Want to Run Start- ups because they would Rather have Children

17 Results of a study by national council of women in technology Similarities Had an equally strong desire to build wealth; Had an equally strong desire to build wealth; had long-standing desire to own their own company; had long-standing desire to own their own company; Average ages, marital status, & no. of children at the time of setting-up were same Average ages, marital status, & no. of children at the time of setting-up were same Encouragement from co- founders Difference

18 Typical of Women The Love Word Having the Kids Around My Last Sale was Psycho/Great

19 Types of Females Entrepreneurs; Jane out of Box Accidental Jane Merry Jane Go Jane Go Tenacity Jane Jane Dough

20 ACCIDENTAL JANE She didn’t really intend to start a business.

21 Go Jane Go Is Is passionate about her work, has plenty of clients � " so much so, she's struggling to keep up with demand

22 Jane Dough Most likely to have a plan for her business. Most likely to have a plan for her business. May be intentionally and actively growing an asset-based or legacy business. May be intentionally and actively growing an asset-based or legacy business. She's five times more likely than the average female business owner to hit the million dollar mark. She's five times more likely than the average female business owner to hit the million dollar mark.

23 Merry Jane Typically are building a part-time or "flexible time" business that gives them a creative outlet

24 Tenacity Jane Her business does not perform as well as she’d like Her business does not perform as well as she’d like

25 Have You Understood the Types?

26 If not, then it’s ok? Let’s try this!!! Note: a)Check for the Plus Signs ‘++’, they will Tell You the Reason!!! b) These are some famous examples.

27 Problems faced by the women entrepreneur


29 Society skeptical attitude The greatest deterrent to women entrepreneurs is that they are women. A kind of patriarchal – male dominant social order is the building block to them in their way towards business success.


31 Access to funds The financial institutions are skeptical about the entrepreneurial abilities of women. The bankers consider women loonies as higher risk than men loonies. The bankers put unrealistic and unreasonable securities to get loan to women entrepreneurs



34 Career or Family? Women's family obligations also bar them from becoming successful entrepreneurs in both developed and developing nations. "Having primary responsibility for children, home and older dependent family members, few women can devote all their time and energies to their business"


36 Less Access to market The ability to tap into new markets requires expertise, knowledge and contacts. Women often lack access to training and experience Unfamiliarity with the external world and lack of ease in moving around


38 Access to training and education Female-male gaps in education in South Asia Female literacy as % of male literacy MaleFemale India676.3 Pakistan505.1 Bangladesh623.3 Nepal413.4 Sri Lanka947.2 South Asia675.8

39 Access to information The Lack of Access to information especial information relating to Business and Technology poses a major hindrance in the progress of women owned enterprises in Pakistan. Women, in Pakistan, have limited access to technology and information, which leads to many problemshindrance

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