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JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture in the Monitoring Mechanism Framework Adrian Leip, Joint Research Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture in the Monitoring Mechanism Framework Adrian Leip, Joint Research Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture in the Monitoring Mechanism Framework Adrian Leip, Joint Research Centre Inventory and Projections Experts Workshop under Working Group I and Working Group II of the EU GHG Monitoring Mechanism Committee 27 th – 28 th February, 2003 EEA, Copenhagen

2 JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Outline VOpen questions - two examples VGoals of this workshop VData Quality VAgriculture in EU-15

3 JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Data Quality Assessment and Control – Criteria Timeliness Completeness Consistency Transparency Comparability Accuracy Precision COMPLEXITYFEASIBILITY HIERACHICAL LEVEL VVerification

4 JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Consistency Timeliness Completeness Transparency Comparability Verification Precision Accuracy Inventory System – Data Quality Aspects MS ETC/ACC- EEA JRC EUROSTAT IPCC / Research / MS

5 JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Data Quality – Role of this workshop transparency / comparability: learn about the methods used in the national inventories evaluate comparability of the methods used point on inconsistencies and unexplainable differences accuracy / precision discuss advantages and disadvantages of different methodologies for national and EU inventories to be able to account for mitigation measures

6 JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION N2OCH4 Anthropogenic biogenic GHG emissions in Europe (2002 submissions) Agricultural soils: 87% Enteric Fermentation: 78% Total GHG emissions (2000): 4000 Tg CO2-eq. Share of agriculture on total emissions: 10% Share of biogenic emissions: 520 Tg CO2-eq. (13%) 69% of N2O are biogenic 82% of CH4 are biogenic



9 JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION CH 4 Fluxes in agricultural systems ANIMAL HOUSING/STORAGE GRAZING CH 4 NH 3 N2ON2OCH 4 NH 3 NON2ON2O WATER N2ON2OCH 4 FERT. SOIL N2ON2OCH 4 SOIL flow of organic C and N emission of C and N gases deposition of N gases flow of mineral N agricultural system OTHER

10 JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Enteric fermentation – background information subcategories - where to put in CRF? country-specific emission factors ? DairyNon-dairy AT10152.6 BE DK10437 FI11442.1 FR10351.6 DE10048 GR8156 IE10050 IT11350 LU NL8145 PT10048 ES10659.4 SE12756.5 GB11742.9

11 JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Submission 2002 for 1997 (EC-IR): 6435 Gg CH4 135135 Gg CO2-eq in 2000, 83% of emissions were “cattle”: 5341 Gg CH4 112162 Gg CO2-eq IPCC sub-categoryEuroFarm class Calves on milkBovine animals under 1 year old Calves on forageBovine animals 1-2 years old Mature malesBovine animals 2 year old and over, male Dairy cattleDairy cows Replacement/growingBovine animals 2 year old and over, heifers and other cows CH4 emissions from enteric fermentation [Gg CO2-eq] NUTS 3 level EuroFarm disaggregation using Corine Landcover classes “grassland” and “pasture” EUROSTAT (EuroFarm) Livestock Data: a)EFs from 2003 submissions: 113021Gg CO2-eq b)IPCC Tier 1 (Dairy/non-dairycattle): 109750Gg CO2-eq c)IPCC Tier 1 excluding calves < 1 year: 84929Gg CO2-eq d)IPCC Tier 2: 93132Gg CO2-eq

12 JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Methane uptake rates in Europe (Boeckx & van Cleemput, 2001) grasslandarable landforest 0.570.350.97mg CH 4 m -2 d -1 CH4 fluxes from agricultural soils No background information Reduced capability of arable soils to act as a sink for CH4 ?

13 JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Direct N2O emissions from agricultural soils variations cannot be explained by input of nitrogen only: land use history application technique organic carbon,.... variability in caused by the local weather VEF of 1.25% too high?

14 JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION N2O emissions from agricultural soils – “background emissions” two MS have included an emission of N2O from agricultural soils due to cultivation of mineral soils of 0.5 kg N2O-N ha -1 year -1 factoring-out of anthropogenic induced background emissions ? additional information required to determine level (land-use history) ? V modelling !!

15 JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE EUROPEAN COMMISSION Conclusions there are many questions..

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