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Issues Raised by ICT.

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Presentation on theme: "Issues Raised by ICT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Issues Raised by ICT

2 Topics Security Privacy Health and Safety Legal and Ethical
Environmental Practice Paper

3 Security Hacking Viruses Trojans Spam Spyware Cookies Phishing Pop-Ups
Identity Theft Hacking Gaining unauthorised access to a computer system or network. Hackers are often after data which can be used for criminal or malicious activities Prevention: Installing firewalls, not using Peer-to-peer software

4 Security Hacking Viruses Trojans Spam Spyware Cookies Phishing Pop-Ups
Identity Theft Viruses Programs that can replicate themselves and cross infected hardware. Viruses can cause damage through deleting files and folders causing work to be lost or systems to crash Prevention: Install anti virus software. Do not download unsolicited materials

5 Security Hacking Viruses Trojans Spam Spyware Cookies Phishing Pop-Ups
Identity Theft Trojans Similar to viruses but cannot replicate themselves. Trojans are normally used to collect ‘keystrokes’ from a computer allowing a hacker access Prevention: Firewalls and anti-virus software

6 Security Hacking Viruses Trojans Spam Spyware Cookies Phishing Pop-Ups
Identity Theft Spam s (normally advertising) that are sent out to large numbers of recipients (think Junk mail but in electronic form) Prevention: Much software has a spam filter

7 Security Hacking Viruses Trojans Spam Spyware Cookies Phishing Pop-Ups
Identity Theft Spyware “We know what you’re doing”. Software that monitors your computer activity without your permission Spyware is used to collect information (browsing histories) for marketing or illegal purposes

8 Security Hacking Viruses Trojans Spam Spyware Cookies Phishing Pop-Ups
Identity Theft Cookies A small file that records details such as passwords, personal data and browsing activity Cookies allow companies to target specific marketing to you. They are also used to remember passwords/usernames to websites. Not all cookies are bad

9 Security Hacking Viruses Trojans Spam Spyware Cookies Phishing Pop-Ups
Identity Theft Phishing Sending out s that direct the user to a ‘fake’ website Users will then enter details (usernames/passwords etc) that are passed on to another source for other uses such as Fraud. Prevention: User awareness

10 Security Hacking Viruses Trojans Spam Spyware Cookies Phishing Pop-Ups
Identity Theft Pop-Ups Messages or adverts which appear automatically.

11 Security Hacking Viruses Trojans Spam Spyware Cookies Phishing Pop-Ups
Identity Theft Identity Theft Stealing personal data for criminal purposes. This can be using information from Social Networking sites or to setting up bank accounts Prevention: Privacy settings

12 Privacy Policy is NOT about Security/Privacy Settings
All data in the UK is protected by the Data Protection Act 1998. Companies/organisations should have a Privacy Policy which informs users: What there data can be used for If the website uses cookies Privacy Policy is NOT about Security/Privacy Settings

13 Health and Safety Employers in the UK have to abide by the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 There are many Health problems associated with the use of computers: Back Pain Eye Strain RSI Ergonomics is the term for products designed to meet the needs of the user to prevent health problems

14 Health and Safety There are also other dangers associated with computers and computer areas. These can include: Trailing wires Overloaded electrical sockets Food and Drink Pets / Children

15 Health and Safety Health is also an issue but can be viewed from two sides Positive Games designed for health purposes Increased reflexes People with disabilities Negative Addiction to games Physical dangers

16 Legal and Ethical Issues
Computers and their users are also bound by laws which include: Copyright and Patents Act Gives the creator exclusive rights over a period of time Computer Misuse Act Using a computer to commit a crime

17 Environmental The environment is a big issue in ICT. Companies are looking at ways of saving energy and money and reducing waste. Energy is used to: Power computers Create the Hardware Transport/Distribution

18 Environmental Energy can be saved by: ‘Green’ PCs which use less power
Downloading instead of physical copies (reduces physical waste and transportation) Recycling hardware

19 Practice Exam Paper Click to Download

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