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Resumes A SHORT business layout of your experiences, accomplishments, and qualifications. Important Relevant Recent.

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Presentation on theme: "Resumes A SHORT business layout of your experiences, accomplishments, and qualifications. Important Relevant Recent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resumes A SHORT business layout of your experiences, accomplishments, and qualifications. Important Relevant Recent

2 Tips for Writing your Resume 1.Be Brief  Single page  Important info only 2.Be Professional  Do NOT use crazy fonts, colored/scented paper.  Use a variety of vocabulary, correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc… 3.Be Positive  Confident not arrogant 4.Be Factual  Do NOT lie 5.Be Clear  Obvious headings/labels for each part of the resume  Simple direct English. Action verbs. Avoid “I” statements.

3 6 Parts of a Resume include: 1.Identification 2.Objective or Goal 3.Education or Training 4.Experience 5.Personal Data 6.References You should organize your resume with your most recent or impressive information first.

4 Part 1:Identification Can be right, center, or left justified Name – Slightly larger than the other information E-mail – Needs to be a professional address. Phone number Address Label on Sample Resume

5 Part 2: Objective or Goal Focus and point of your resume. Specific job/position you are seeking. Begin with an action verb (pg. 584) – Seeking a position… – To join a positive work… – Win an academic scholarship Label on Sample Resume

6 Part 3: Education or Training List the most recent first. One bullet per school – High school Address Exp. Graduation 2013 List special academic honors for that school – A honor roll – Top 10% Label on Sample Resume

7 Part 4: Work History List the most recent job first. – One bullet per job. Name of business – Dates of employment – Location – Short description of responsibilities Worked with… Served… Created… Pg. 584 action verbs Label on Sample Resume

8 Part 5:Personal Data Clubs or organizations you are/were involved in: – Sports, NHS, student council, etc… List volunteer work, unless you used it in your work experience. – Avoid revealing too much about your religious beliefs. Good: mission trips Bad: 1 st Baptist Church mission trips Hobbies Why do companies want to see you are a well rounded person? Label on Sample Resume

9 Part 6:References Unbiased people to provide information about your abilities and character  Teachers, counselors, previous employers, etc… can be used as references. Do not use family members (especially with the same last name) Notify people before you list them as references. Label on Sample Resume

10 Resume Assignment Create a rough draft resume on notebook paper. Requirements: – Identification – Objective statement – Education 2 schools – Work/Volunteer (use same as app form) 2 experiences – Personal Data ( skills, extra curricular, hobbies, awards) 3 items – References (use same as app form) 2 people After completing your rough draft: Open up the CC Resume Req document from our fusion page. Complete the assignment using your Rough Draft Resume. Do NOT email this to me yet! Begin your rough cover letter when finished with CC Resume.

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