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APA 6 th Edition. Running Head O Beginning in the upper lefthand corner, there is a running head of the title of the research paper.

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Presentation on theme: "APA 6 th Edition. Running Head O Beginning in the upper lefthand corner, there is a running head of the title of the research paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 APA 6 th Edition

2 Running Head O Beginning in the upper lefthand corner, there is a running head of the title of the research paper.

3 Page Numbers O All pages are numbered, beginning with the title page. O The page numbers go in the upper righthand corner.

4 In-text Citations O I. Paraphrasing O II. Direct Quotations (less than 40 words) O III. Long Direct Quotes (40 words or longer)

5 Paraphrasing O Paraphrasing is when you write in your own words about something that you read. O Two ways: O According to Powell (2011), blah, blah, blah. O You begin paraphrasing, then blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, usually for several sentences or an entire paragraph (Powell, 2011).

6 Two Authors O Two ways: O According to Clancy and Powell (2011), blah, blah, blah. O You begin paraphrasing, then blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, usually for several sentences or an entire paragraph (Clancy & Powell, 2011).

7 Direct Quotation O Direct quotation is when you take information word-for-word from an author. O Cutler (2012) stated, “Student teacher preparation is critical in this era of high- stakes testing” (p. 136).

8 Long Direct Quote O 40 words or longer O Free-standing block O Omit quotation marks O Parenthetical citation after closing punctuation mark O Blah, blah, blah, forty or more words on and on. (p. 141)

9 3-5 Authors O First time, you list all of the authors. (Kirk, Crossen, Diehl, & Harris, 2009) O Subsequent times, list only the first, then et al. (Kirk et al., 2009) OR Kirk et al. (2009)

10 Tables & Charts O Avoid copying tables and charts. O Instead, summarize the tables/charts in narrative form.

11 Sources O Avoid overly quoting one source or over- relying on one source. (a.k.a. book report) O Each source you use should provide something of value and be information worth citing.

12 References O A page at the end of your work (before any appendices) should have the word References centered at the top. O References should begin on a new page. O Everything you cite within your paper should be listed in your references, and anything listed in your references should be cited within your paper.

13 Basic Rules O All lines after your first line in each entry should be indented ½ inch from the left margin (hanging indentation). O Alphabetized and written with authors’ names inverted. Reilly, B. L. (2008). Mentoring novice teachers: New insights in student teaching practices. Educational Research, 11, 6- 10.

14 Basic Rules (con’t.) O Journal titles are italicized. O All major words in journal titles are capitalized. O Only the first word of the titles of articles are capitalized along with the first word after a colon. O Titles of books are italicized but only the first word is capitalized and the first word after a colon.

15 Personal communications O Interviews are treated as personal communications. O J.K. Rowling (personal communication, February 12, 2015) blah, blah, blah O Or O (J.K. Rowling, personal communication, February 12, 2015)

16 APA Publication Manual 6 th Edition O Directions, explanations, and examples are given for various types of resources, such as: O 6 or more authors O Edited books O No author O Newspaper articles O Electronic sources O Interviews O Kindle/electronic books

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