The Environment Institute Where ideas grow Striking the Balance between Food and Fibre Production and the Environment Mike Young Executive Director, The.

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Presentation on theme: "The Environment Institute Where ideas grow Striking the Balance between Food and Fibre Production and the Environment Mike Young Executive Director, The."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Environment Institute Where ideas grow Striking the Balance between Food and Fibre Production and the Environment Mike Young Executive Director, The Environment Institute

2 The Environment Institute Life Impact The University of Adelaide Environmental policy Triple bottom line? Environment first? – Transition arrangements often confused with definition of final outcome to be pursued Economic Environmental Social

3 The Environment Institute Life Impact The University of Adelaide Getting the balance right Recognise the difference between – Identifying environmental objectives – The science of estimating how much water is needed to deliver each environmental objective The amount needed can be reduced by improving institutional arrangements – But volumes needed will change as technology, knowledge and institutional arrangements improve

4 The Environment Institute Life Impact The University of Adelaide Three important observations

5 The Environment Institute Life Impact The University of Adelaide Scarcity is compromising Biodiversity! After Vörösmarty and others (2010).

6 The Environment Institute Life Impact The University of Adelaide Users Environment River Flow Environment River Flow Users With 10% less rainfall

7 The Environment Institute Life Impact The University of Adelaide Water accounting matters Improvements in water use efficiency come at a big cost to rivers Forests, farm dams, overland flow capture water Need to assume groundwater is connected to a river MDB Guide found that the cost of not dealing with water accounting has major (in-equitable) consequences – up to 37% reduction in water entitlements if interception excluded, only 29% if included Water accounting risks need to be assigned so that their distribution does not erode the environment’s interest

8 The Environment Institute Life Impact The University of Adelaide The MDB

9 The Environment Institute Life Impact The University of Adelaide Current building blocks Hydrological integrity – Bring in small farm dams, forestry, overland flow capture, etc Equitable risk sharing with Environment – Environment to be a major entitlement holder Subsidiarity for regional planning but not for environmental water – Uniform definition of SDL across the Basin built around a 114 year average less 3% allowance for adverse climate change – But Environmental water held centrally

10 The Environment Institute Life Impact The University of Adelaide Suggested trade-offs in Guide 1.Conveyance to and thru mouth 9 yrs in 10 2.Prepared to lose 25% of red gum forests 3.Most benefits from 3,000 GL to 4,000 GL local and within region where reduction occurs

11 The Environment Institute Life Impact The University of Adelaide Entitlement-based planning Conveyance water Entitlements - Controlled watering - Irrigation, urban and Industrial uses Conveyance Entitlement shares Uncontrolled floods and overland flows

12 The Environment Institute Life Impact The University of Adelaide A way forward 1.Recognise that the collective environmental aspirations in existing plans need review 2.The Act allows the SDLs to be defined in any way the Authority thinks appropriate – Section 23 (2) (c) 3.Rather than a volumetric approach they could identify the portfolio of entitlements that should be acquired for the environment places in regional environment trusts – Still need to define conveyance reserve – Define maximum limit on annual allocations as amount when all existing entitlements in a region receive 100% allocation – Grandfather in 100% of interception processes – linked to the entitlement system – Identify a proportion of each entitlement type to be acquired for the environment – A target portfolio – Purchase the portfolio needed – Place a significant proportion in environment trusts 4.Move forward step by step, monitoring, adjusting and learning with communities as the Basin goes forward – Environmental infrastructure – Removing grazing from key areas – Buying entitlements 5.Commitment to keep on investing until health is restored – If the money is used wisely, there is enough on the table over $0.5million per irrigator

13 The Environment Institute Where ideas grow

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