Back to School Night in Second Grade! Mrs. P., Ms. K., Mrs. Caruso.

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Presentation on theme: "Back to School Night in Second Grade! Mrs. P., Ms. K., Mrs. Caruso."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to School Night in Second Grade! Mrs. P., Ms. K., Mrs. Caruso

2 Our Team Ms. P (2 nd Grade Teacher) Ms. K (Instructional Aide) Ms. Caruso (GW Intern) Nurse Hogan Ms. Z (Literacy Coach)


4 Welcome A Day in the Life of Second Grade begins with Morning Meeting: Greeting and Share My name is X and I am Y’s parent. One thing I would put on my writer’s notebook is... My name is X and I am Y’s parent. One thing I would put on my writer’s notebook is...MessageSchedule Energizer-Me too!

5 A little bit more about me... This is my 7 th year of teaching and my 4 th time working in second grade; however, this is my first time working as a general education teacher. I also work as a part-time literacy coach for the DCCC. I love teaching writing. My husband and I live near Eastern Market in Capitol Hill.

6 Reader’s Workshop: 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 min Mini-lesson focused on a particular reading strategy and standard: C.A.F.E. Time Comprehension (Guided reading and read to self) Accuracy (Word Work) Fluency (Listening Center) Expanding schema (Station work around language standards)

7 Writer’s Workshop- 45 minutes a day to 1 hour Builds off of Reader’s Workshop and learning to “Read like writers” Mini-lesson focused on craft, structure, and conventions. Focuses on writing from the students’ experiences and authentic and purposeful contexts and audiences!

8 Community Building Our classroom uses the Responsive Classroom approach to community building and classroom discipline. Please see our Class Constitution to see the class rules YOUR students came up with to support their own hopes and dreams for second grade.

9 Content Areas Science Birds H2O and Weather Matters Plants, Insects, and Habitats Social Studies American Indians World Cultures and Geography Life Then and Now: A Pioneer and Inventions Study

10 Math Workshop- 90 minutes a day Tues-Fri Today’s number and calendar work. Problem of the Day Mini-lesson Small group practice Fluency Activity and Exit ticket

11 Our Curriculum Sequence Q1Q2Q3Q4 MathIntro to Place Value and Word Problems Place value to 1,000 and adding and subtracting within 100 Time, Money, Geometry, Arrays and repeated addition Measuring & estimating length Graphing ELAReading Literature and Informational Science Texts Intro to Grammar Reading Informational History Texts Poetry and figurative language Reading traditional literature (folktales, fairytales, and fables) Reading informational texts

12 Responsive Instruction Formative Assessments End of unit tests Rubrics Anet quarterly assessments Class work Homework Summative Assessments DCCAS in: Reading Math Report Cards DIBELS and TRC

13 Homework Homework is assigned in a packet distributed at the beginning of the week and should be initialed and returned in the HW folder daily. In the first quarter students will be assigned 1 assignment a night plus their reading log. Later in the year, math homework will be assigned every night. Spelling homework will begin after pre-assessments are completed. Bi-weekly spelling packets will be sent home to practice high frequency words to help increase writing fluency.

14 Scholastic Book Orders

15 Field Trips and Celebrations Class Parent: Val Guerrier (Tasmine’s Mom ) Birthday celebrations on Fridays during lunch We are hoping to plan field trips to the American Indian Museum this October-November, the Kennedy Center in December, and either the Botanical Garden or the Insect Zoo at the Natural History Museum.

16 Communication 571-230-0910 (cell)—feel free to call or text

17 Thank you!! Questions? Feel free to call, text, email me, drop by or put your questions or comments at the Parking Lot.

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