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Chapter 11 Laboratory Experiment

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1 Chapter 11 Laboratory Experiment
11-0 Introduction to Experiments 11-1 Binary and Decimal Numbers 11-2 Digital Logic Gates 11-3 Simplification of Boolean Functions 11-4 Combinational Circuits

2 Chapter 11 Laboratory Experiment
11-5 Code Converters 11-6 Design with Multiplexers 11-7 Adders and Subtractors 11-8 Flip-Flops 11-9 Sequential Circuits

3 Chapter 11 Laboratory Experiment
Counters Shift Register Serial Addition Memory Unit Lamp Handball

4 Chapter 11 Laboratory Experiment
Clock Pulse Generator Parallel Adder and Accumulator Binary Multiplier Asynchronous Sequential Circuits Verilog HDL Simulation Experiment

5 11-0 Introduction to Experiments
Experimental Equipment A logic breadboard must have : LED indicator lamp Toggle switches to provide logic-1 and -0 signals. Pulsers with pushbutton and debounce circuits A clock-pulse generator with at least two frequencies A power supply of 5V. Socket strips for mounting the ICs. Solid hookup wire and a pair of wire strippers

6 11-0 Introduction to Experiments
Experimental Equipment Additional equipment: A dual-trace oscilloscope A logic probe A number of ICs.

7 11-0 Introduction to Experiments
Series 7400

8 11-0 Introduction to Experiments
Series 7400

9 11-0 Introduction to Experiments
Physical Layout Ripple Counter IC 7493 Internal circuit diagram No connection

10 11-0 Introduction to Experiments
Ripple Counter IC 7493 Schematic diagram When drawing schematic diagrams, the IC number is written insider the block. All input terminals are placed on the left of the block.

11 11-0 Introduction to Experiments
Ripple Counter IC 7493 The letter symbols of the signals are written inside the block and the corresponding pin numbers are written along the external lines. All output terminals are placed on the right of the block.

12 11-1 Binary and Decimal Numbers
Objectives Introduces the breadboard to the students. Acquaints the students with the cathode-ray oscilloscope. Reference Material Section 1-2 and 1-7

13 11-1 Binary and Decimal Numbers
Binary Count Connect the IC to operate as a 4-bit binary counter by wiring the external terminals, as shown in the figure. All connections should be made with the power supply in the off position.

14 11-1 Binary and Decimal Numbers
Oscilloscope Display Using a dual-trace oscilloscope, connect the output of the clock to one channel and the output of QA, to the second channel, followed by QB, QC, QD. Note that each flip-flop in turn divides its incoming frequency by 2.

15 11-1 Binary and Decimal Numbers
BCD Count 1 When both R1 and R2 are equal to 1, all four cells in the counter clear to 0 irrespective of the input pulse. 1

16 11-1 Binary and Decimal Numbers
Output Pattern Output QA produces a pattern of alternate 1's and 0's. Output QD produces a pattern of eight 0's followed by two 1's. Obtain the pattern for the other two outputs and check all four patterns on the oscilloscope. Connect the 7493 IC to count from 0000 to the following final counts: 0101, 0111, 1011

17 11-2 Digital Logic Gates Objectives:
Investigate the logic behavior of various IC gate: 7400 Quadruple 2-input NAND gates 7402 Quadruple 2-input NOR gates 7404 Hex inverters 7408 Quadruple 2-input AND gates 7432 Quadruple 2-input OR gates 7486 Quadruple 2-input XOR gates

18 11-2 Digital Logic Gates Truth Table
Use one gate from each IC and obtain the truth table of the gate. Waveforms For each gate, obtain the input-output waveform by observing the oscilloscope.

19 11-2 Digital Logic Gates Waveforms
Obtain the input-output waveform relationship of the gate by observing the oscilloscope.

20 11-2 Digital Logic Gates Propagation Delay
Connect all six inverters inside the 7404 IC in cascade. The output will be the same as the input except that it will be delayed. Using the oscilloscope, determine the delay from the input to the output of the sixth inverter.

21 11-2 Digital Logic Gates Universal NAND Gate
Using a single 7400 IC, connect a circuit that produces An inverter A 2-input AND A 2-input OR A 2-input NOR A 2-input XOR

22 11-2 Digital Logic Gates NAND Circuit
Using a single 7400 IC, construct a circuit with NAND gates that implements the Boolean function F = AB + CD

23 11-3 Simplification of Boolean Functions
Objectives: Acquaints the students with the relationship between a Boolean function and the corresponding logic diagram. Note: If an input to a NAND gate is not used, it should not be left open, instead, should be connected to another input that is used.

24 11-3 Simplification of Boolean Functions
Logic Diagram

25 11-3 Simplification of Boolean Functions
Logic Diagram implement the diagram and test the circuit by obtaining its truth table. Obtain the Boolean function of the circuit and simplify it using the map method. Construct the simplified circuit and test it.

26 11-3 Simplification of Boolean Functions
implement the two functions together using a minimum number of NAND ICs. F1 ( A,B,C,D ) = ( 0,1,4,5,8,9,10,12,13) F2 ( A,B,C,D ) = ( 3,5,7,8,10,11,13,15 )

27 11-3 Simplification of Boolean Functions
Complement Plot the following Boolean function in a map: F = A'D + BD + B'C + AB'D Combine the 1's in the map to obtain the simplified function for F in sum of products. Then combine the 0's in the map to obtain the simplified function for F' also in sum of products.

28 11-4 Combinational Circuits
Objectives Design, construct and test four combinational logic circuits. Reference Material Section 3-8 and 4-8

29 11-4 Combinational Circuits
Design Example: Design a combinational circuit with four inputs—A,B,C, and D—and one output, F. F is to be equal to 1 when A = 1 provide that B = 0, or when B = 1 provided that either C or D is also equal to 1. Otherwise, the output is to be equal to 0.

30 11-4 Combinational Circuits
Majority Logic: A majority logic is a digital circuit whose output is equal to 1 if the majority of the inputs are 1's. the output is 0 otherwise. Parity Generator: Design, construct, and test a circuit that generate an even parity bit from four message bits. Use XOR gates.

31 11-4 Combinational Circuits
Decoder Implementation: Implement and test the combinational circuit using a decoder IC and external NAND gates. F1 = xy +x'y'z' F2 = x'y +xy'z' F3 = xy +x'y'z

32 11-5 Code Converters Objectives Reference Material
Design and construct three combinational-circuit converters. Reference Material Section 4-3

33 11-5 Code Converters Gray Code to Binary 9's complement
Design a combinational circuit that converts a four-bit Gray code number into the equivalent four-bit binary number. Implement the circuit with exclusive-OR gates. 9's complement Design a combinational circuit with four input lines that represent a decimal digit in BCD and four output lines that generate 9's complement of the input digit.

34 11-5 Code Converters Seven-Segment Display
The 7447 IC is a BCD-to-seven-segment decoder/driver.

35 11-5 Code Converters Seven-Segment Display
The 7730 seven-segment display contains the seven LED segments.

36 11-5 Code Converters Seven-Segment Display
A 47Ω resistor to VCC is needed in order to supply the proper current to the selected LED segment.

37 11-6 Design with Multiplexers
Objectives Design, construct a combinational circuit with multiplexers. Reference Material Section 4-10

38 11-6 Design with Multiplexers
The diagram and function table of the multiplexer

39 11-6 Design with Multiplexers
Design Specification A small corporation has 10 shares of stock, and each share entitles its owner to one vote at a stockholder's meeting. The 10 shares of stock are owned by four people as follows: Mr. W: 1 share Mr. X: 2 shares Mr. Y: 3 shares Mr. Z: 4 shares Design a circuit that displays the total number of shares that vote yes for each measure.

40 11-7 Adders and Subtractors
Objectives Design, construct and test various adder and subtractor circuits. Reference Material Section 4-3, 4-7 and 4-13

41 11-7 Adders and Subtractors
Half Adder Design, construct, and test a half-adder circuit using one XOR gate and two NAND gates. Full Adder Design, construct, and test a full-adder circuit using two ICs, 7486 and 7400.

42 11-7 Adders and Subtractors
Parallel Adder IC type 7483 is a 4-bit binary parallel adder. Test it by connecting the four A inputs to a fixed binary number such as 1001 and the B inputs and input carry to five toggle switches.

43 11-7 Adders and Subtractors
Adder-Subtractor The subtraction of two binary numbers can be done by taking the 2's complement of the subtrahend and adding it to the minuend.

44 11-7 Adders and Subtractors
Adder-Subtractor When M=0, the bits of input B keep unchanged. The addition is performed.

45 11-7 Adders and Subtractors
Adder-Subtractor When M=1, the XOR gates complement the bits of input B, and C0 is equal to 1. The subtraction is performed.

46 11-7 Adders and Subtractors
Magnitude Comparator If S=0, A=B If C4=1, A >= B If C4=0, A < B If C4=1 and S<>0, A >B

47 11-8 Flip-Flops Objectives Reference Material
Construct, test and investigate the operation of various latches and flip-flops. Reference Material Section 5-2 and 5-3

48 Flip-Flops SR Latch Construct an SR latch with two cross-coupled NAND gates. Obtain the function table of the circuit.

49 11-8 Flip-Flops Master-Slave Flip-Flops
Construct a Master-Slave Flip-Flops using two D latches and an inverter.

50 11-8 Flip-Flops Master-Slave Flip-Flops
Observe the waveform of the clock and the master and slave outputs. Verify that the delay between the master and the slave outputs is equal to the positive half of the clock cycle. Obtain a timing diagram

51 11-8 Flip-Flops Edge-Triggered Flip-Flops
Verify that the output does not change when the clock input is logic-1, when the clock goes through a negative transition, or when it is logic-0.

52 11-8 Flip-Flops Edge-Triggered Flip-Flops
Using a dual-trace oscilloscope, observe and record the timing relationship between the input clock and output Q.

53 11-8 Flip-Flops IC Flip-Flops
IC type 7476 consists of two JK master-slave flip-flops with preset and clear. Investigate the operation of one 7476 flip-flop and verify its function table.

54 11-8 Flip-Flops IC Flip-Flops
IC type 7474 consists of two D positive-edge-triggered flip-flops with preset and clear. Investigate the operation of the flip-flop and verify its function table.

55 11-9 Sequential Circuits Objectives Reference Material
Design, construct and test synchronous sequential circuits. Reference Material Section 5-7

56 11-9 Sequential Circuits Up-Down Counter with Enable
Design, construct and test a 2-bit counter that counts up or down. If E = 0, the counter is disabled and remains at its present count. If E = 1, the counter is enabled. When x = 1 , the circuit counts up. When x = 0, the circuit counts down.

57 11-9 Sequential Circuits State Diagram
Design, construct and test a sequential circuit whose state diagram is shown in the figure. Verify the state transition and output by testing the circuit.

58 11-9 Sequential Circuits Design of Counter
Design, construct and test a counter that goes through the following sequence: 0,1,2,3,6,7,10,11,12,13,14,15, and back to 0 to repeat. The counter must be self-starting. Verification is done by initializing the circuit to each unused state by means of the preset and clear inputs and then applying pulse to see whether the counter reaches one of the valid states.

59 11-10 Counters Objectives Reference Material
Construct and test various ripple and synchronous counter circuits. Reference Material Section 6-3 and 6-4

60 11-10 Counters Ripple Counter Synchronous Counter
Construct a 4-bit binary ripple counter using two 7476 ICs. Modify the counter so it will count down instead of up. Check that each input pulse decrements the counter by 1. Synchronous Counter Construct a 4-bit binary counter and check its operation. Using two 7476 ICs and one 7408 IC.

61 11-10 Counters Decimal Counter Binary Counter With Parallel Load
Design a synchronous BCD counter that counts from 0000 to Using two 7476 ICs and one 7408 IC. Binary Counter With Parallel Load IC type is a 4-bit synchronous binary counter with parallel load and asynchronous clear.

62 11-10 Counters Binary Counter With Parallel Load
Two counter-enable input called P and T. Both must be equal to 1 for the counter to operate.

63 Counters Binary Counter With Parallel Load

64 11-11 Shift Register Objectives Reference Material
Investigate the operation of shift registers. Reference Material Section 6-2

65 Shift Register IC Shift Register

66 Shift Register IC Shift Register

67 11-11 Shift Register Ring Counter
A ring counter is a circular shift register with the signal with the signal from the serial output QD going into the serial input. Connect the J and K' input together to form the input. Verify by observing the state sequence after each shift.

68 11-11 Shift Register Feedback Shift Register
A feedback shift register is a shift register whose serial input is connected to some function of selected register outputs. Connect a feedback shift register whose serial input is the exclusive-OR of output QC and QD, then verify it.

69 11-11 Shift Register Bidirectional Shift Register
The IC can shift only right from QA toward QD. Convert the register to a bidirectional shift register by using the load mode to obtain a shift left operation. Connecting the output of each flip-flop to the input of the flip-flop on its left and using the load mode of the SH/LD input as a shift register control.

70 Shift Register Bidirectional Shift Register With Parallel Load

71 Serial Addition Base on this figure Serial Adder

72 11-12 Serial Addition Serial Adder Testing the Adder
Design and construct a 4–bit serial adder using the following ICs: 74195, 7408,7486 and 7476. Testing the Adder To test the serial adder, perform the binary addition =26. Check that the value in A is 1010 and that the carry flip-flop is set.

73 11-12 Serial Addition Serial Adder-Subtractor
Using the other two XOR gates from the 7486, convert the serial adder to a serial adder-subtractor with a mode control M. When M = 0, the circuit adds A+B; When M = 1, the circuit subtractor A-B.

74 11-12 Serial Addition Testing the Adder-Subtractor
To test the adder part , perform the binary addition = 26. To test the subtractor part , perform the binary addition =26.

75 11-13 Memory Unit Objectives Reference Material
Investigate the behavior of a random-access memory (RAM) unit and its storage capability. Reference Material Section 7-2, 7-3 and 7-5

76 Memory Unit IC RAM The least significant bit of the address is A0 and the most significant bit is A3

77 Memory Unit IC RAM The chip select (CS) input must be equal to 0 to enable the memory.

78 Memory Unit IC RAM The write operation is performed when WE =0

79 11-13 Memory Unit Testing the RAM
The RAM can be tested after making the following connection: connect the address inputs to a binary counter using the 7493 IC connect the four data inputs to toggle switches and the data outputs to four 7404 inverters. Connect input CS to ground and WE to a toggle switch.

80 11-13 Memory Unit ROM Simulator Memory Expansion
A ROM simulator is obtained from a RAM when operated in the read mode only. Memory Expansion use the CS inputs to select between the two ICs. Test the circuit by adding a 3-bit number to a 2-bit number to produce a 4-bit sum.

81 11-14 Lamp Handball Objectives Reference Material
Construct an electronic game of handball using a single light to simulate the moving ball. Reference Material Section 6-2

82 Lamp Handball IC Type 74194 This is a 4-bit bidirectional shift register with parallel load.

83 11-14 Lamp Handball Logic Diagram
Analyze the logic diagram to ensure that you understand how the circuit operates.

84 11-15 Clock Pulse Generator
Objectives Use an IC timer unit and connect it to produce clock pulses at a given frequency. Reference Material Section 10-2

85 11-15 Clock Pulse Generator
IC Timer 2/3 VCC 1/3 VCC

86 11-15 Clock Pulse Generator
IC Timer When the threshold input at pin 6 goes above 3.3V, the upper comparator resets the flip-flop and the output goes low to about 0V.

87 11-15 Clock Pulse Generator
IC Timer When the trigger input at pin 2 goes below 1.7V, the lower comparator sets the flip-flop and the output goes high to about 5V.

88 11-15 Clock Pulse Generator
Circuit Operation tH=0.693(RA+RB)C tL=0.693RBC

89 11-15 Clock Pulse Generator
Connect the circuit and check the output in the oscilloscope. observe the output across the capacitor C and record its two levels to verify that they are between the trigger and threshold value. observe the waveform in collector of the transistor at pin 7.

90 11-16 Parallel Adder and Accumulator
Objectives Construct a 4-bit parallel adder whose sum can be loaded into a register. Reference Material Section 10-2

91 11-16 Parallel Adder and Accumulator
Requirement According to the block diagram, draw a detailed diagram showing all wiring between the ICs. Design a test procedure to verify the result of the circuit.

92 11-17 Binary Multiplier Objectives Reference Material
Design and construct a circuit that multiplies two 4-bit unsigned numbers to produce an 8-bit product. Reference Material Section 8-6

93 11-17 Binary Multiplier Requirement
According to the datapath block diagram and control state diagram, design the circuit by drawing a detailed diagram showing all wiring between the ICs.

94 11-17 Binary Multiplier Requirement
Design a test procedure to verify the result of the circuit.

95 11-18 Asynchronous Sequential Circuits
Objectives Analyze and design asynchronous sequential circuits. Reference Material Section 9-8

96 11-18 Asynchronous Sequential Circuits
Analysis Analyze the circuit by deriving the transition table and output map of the circuit.

97 11-18 Asynchronous Sequential Circuits
Design Design, construct, and test a D-type flip-flop that triggers on both the positive and the negative transition of the clock. The circuit has two inputs—D and C—and a single output, Q. The value of D at the time C change from 0 to 1 becomes the flip-flop output. The output remains unchanged as long as C=1. The output is again updated to the value of D when C changes from 1 to 0. The output remains unchanged as long as C=0.

98 11-19 Verilog HDL Simulation Experiment
Objectives Acquaints the students with Verilog HDL and its simulation. Supplement to experiment 2 Compile the circuit described in HDL Example 3-3 and run the simulator to verify the waveform.

99 11-19 Verilog HDL Simulation Experiment
Supplement to experiment 2 Assign the following delay to the Exclusive-OR circuit shown in the figure: 10ns for an inverter, 20ns for an AND gate, and 30ns for an OR gate. Then verify the waveform.

100 11-19 Verilog HDL Simulation Experiment
Supplement to experiment 4 HDL Example 4-10 (section 4-11) demonstrates the procedure for obtaining the truth table of a combinational circuit by simulating it. In order to get acquainted with the procedure, compile and simulate HDL Example 4-10 and check the output truth table.

101 11-19 Verilog HDL Simulation Experiment
Supplement to experiment 5,7,8,9 Requirement: write an HDL description of the corresponding circuit write a test bench to simulate and verify.

102 11-19 Verilog HDL Simulation Experiment
Supplement to experiment 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17 Requirement: write an HDL description of the corresponding circuit write a test bench to simulate and verify.

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