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 Based on your score, are you sleep deprived?  Which myths did you believe in?  Which myths did you know were myths?  What did Russell Foster teach.

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Presentation on theme: " Based on your score, are you sleep deprived?  Which myths did you believe in?  Which myths did you know were myths?  What did Russell Foster teach."— Presentation transcript:

1  Based on your score, are you sleep deprived?  Which myths did you believe in?  Which myths did you know were myths?  What did Russell Foster teach you?  What did Jessa Gamble teach you?  What do you know about adolescent sleep?

2 To discuss this myth, we need to clarify what dreams are and how dreams happen.

3 1.What is consciousness? ◦ Our awareness of what is going on inside and outside of our “self” ◦ This requires sensory input! 2.Sleep is an altered state of consciousness because: ◦ Our sensory input is “altered” ◦ We are not fully aware of what is going on inside and outside of our self ◦ Our senses are not “off,” just altered

4  What did you learn about yourself in the sleep survey?

5  We spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping.  How much sleep are you (average teen) supposed to get? ◦ 9.25 hours (10 for athletes)  Adults? ◦ 8 hours  Infants? ◦ 12-14 hours


7 About 90% of 6 th period is sleep deprived! About 91% of 7 th period is sleep deprived! About 71% of our national population is sleep deprived.

8  Link between lack of sleep and your health ◦ Stress ◦ Depression ◦ Immunity  Studies have also shown a link between lack of sleep and ability to think & perform. ◦ School/Work ◦ Accidents ◦ Memory ◦ Speed/Accuracy

9 Typically we should feel wide awake, alert, and energetic all day long WITHOUT a significant midday drop in alertness.

10 Dr. James Maas (Cornell University), says we sleep for 2 reasons: 1)Our bodies run on cycles called circadian rhythms, sleep is one.  Light is the most powerful cue affecting sleep.  8.Darkness triggers the release of melatonin; the hormone that brings on sleep.  Built in biological rhythm for our sleep, wake, energy cycles.

11 Are you a lark or an owl? 27161671?quiz=true Extreme Lark: Extreme morning Moderate Lark: Moderate morning Balanced: Neither type Moderate Owl: Moderate evening Extreme Owl: Extreme evening

12  2) The longer we are awake, the GREATER our need for mentally & physically restorative sleep. 9.1 hour of sleep to pay for every 2 hours of wakefulness *Tire after being up for 16 hours. *Sleep debt is cumulative

13 Depends on the stage of sleep: NREM: Stages 1 – 4 Rejuvenates BODY REM: Stage 5 Rejuvenates MIND



16  Alpha Waves(1) ◦ 15.Myclonic Jerks  Theta Waves (2) ◦ Spindles  Delta Waves(3-4)  Rapid Eye Movement ◦ Beta Waves



19  Best length of a nap is 20 minutes. ◦ Why?  How can teens make up for their sleep debt? ◦ Good naps (not bad) ◦ Don’t use naps to create a bad sleep schedule  Nothing takes the place of a good, regulated sleep schedule!

20  17.VIVID DREAMING ◦ Paradoxical sleep MEMORY CONSOLIDATION  Learning  Long-term muscle memory (the skills we practice)  Happens during the 8 th and 9 th hours in a continuous cycle!

21  Dr. Dement ◦ REM Deprivation Studies  Pre Test  Post Test ◦ REM Rebound (get the ball back)  It is VERY necessary!

22  Blood supply to muscles increases  Tissue growth and repair occurs  Energy is restored  Hormones are released, such as: Growth hormone, essential for growth and development, including muscle development  Cortisol levels (stress hormone) depletes

23  What about this myth?  Have researchers found that dreams possess symbolic meaning?  Let’s test this for ourselves …  Dream Packet/Homework  Get Started!

24  Which interpretation was the best? ◦ Why?  What evidence is there to support the interpretations that make the most sense?  Are there universal truths about dream content?  What questions do you usually ask yourself/others as you interpret the content of a dream?

25  Recallers vs. Non-Recallers  Sequence of Dreams (Cartwright) ◦ 1: review of problem related to days events ◦ 2 & 3 rd : recall earlier episodes of day ◦ 4: set in the future ◦ 5: ties all elements together into 1 bizarre tense “extravaganza” or “finale”!

26  2 characters, in addition to the dreamer  Indoors  More passive (you are watching)  More hostile/unpleasant  More strange males than females  Male dreams tend to differ from females: Males: More active, fighting, naked, $$$ Females: More endangered, emotional (not aggressive)

27 20 MOST COMMON DREAMS: (self-report)  Falling (83)  Being attacked or pursued (77)  Trying repeatedly to do something (71)  School, teachers, studying (71)  Sexual experiences (66)  Arriving too late (64)  Eating (62)  Being frozen with fright (58)

28  Being locked up (56)  Finding money (56)  Swimming (52)  Snakes (49)  Being dressed inappropriately (46)  Being smothered (44)  Being nude in public (43)  Fire (41)  Failing an exam (39)  Flying (34)  Seeing self as dead (33)

29 a.Freud  via regia – the royal road to the unconscious  The Interpretation of Dreams (1900)  Id allowed to seep out while ego shuts down  Universal symbolic truths (sexual and aggressive)  Manifest (storyline) vs. Latent (hidden) content b.Extensions of daily life  Most dreams (early in the night) reflect daily activities c.Spiritual portal  Reflect communication with spirit world/God/Gods  Allow you to predict the future

30 d.Activation-synthesis (Hobson & McCarley)  Brain very active during REM sleep  Many neurotransmitters released  Frontal lobes dampened  Limbic system activated  Emotion/memory  All of this activity allows for the synthesis of memory Lucid Dreaming – Being aware that you are dreaming while dreaming and controlling the content. ◦ Some Research  Stress/Sleep Schedule/8-9 Hours ◦ Train Yourself!

31  Today: May 26 ◦ Finalize Dream Film ◦ Finalize Myth #9 Notes - DUE ◦ Myth #10 Notes (hypnosis) - DUE ◦ Review Worksheet – DUE LAST DAY  Thursday: May 28 ◦ Practice Self-hypnosis – Wear something comfortable! ◦ Notebook Check Sheet ◦ Reminders  Monday: June 1 FINAL CLASS ◦ Final Notebook Check ◦ Test ◦ Review DUE ◦ Personality Quizzes DUE ◦ Leftover Multipasses DUE ◦ All missing/late work DUE

32  What conclusions can we draw based on the information presented? ◦ Research about sleep/REM ◦ Theories ◦ Research about dreams ◦ Your own dream interpretation

33  Insomnia ◦ The inability to either fall asleep and/or stay asleep in the night ◦ #1 Cause – Stress ◦ #2 Cause – Irregular sleep schedule ◦ #3 Cause – Diet/Medications  Narcolepsy: ◦ Genetic sleep disorder ◦ Fall into uncontrollable “sleep attacks” – directly to REM ◦ Muscle paralysis common ◦ ◦  Sleep apnea: ◦ Cessation of breathing while sleeping ◦ (typically 100 – 300 X per night) ◦ Causes:Weight/Obstruction/Smoking/Asthma ◦

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