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The Book of Exodus: Transitions Overview of Exodus.

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1 The Book of Exodus: Transitions Overview of Exodus

2 “in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” Announcements –West Side is having a wedding basket shower for Jake and Jennifer Houser. Jake is the son of Phyllis and brother to Madi. A basket is on the table, in the hallway for gifts. –Tissues are needed for the classrooms. Boxes can be left on the table, by the chapel. –CHRISTeens lost and found items are in room #23. –Dishes can be picked up in room 21. –Teens wanting to go on the Spring Break Mission Trip March 19-24 need to sign up by next Wednesday. –Join us Wednesday night, April 7, at 8:00 PM, in the chapel, for a brainstorming session on our Servant Groups. We need ideas on how to make them better, how to recruit leaders, share success stories and urge one another on this godly endeavor. Your participation will be invaluable. –Girlfriends Unlimited is starting a ONE ministry for Help Network. Each month ONE item will be requested that can help ONE person who goes to Help Network for assistance. This month we are collecting baby wipes. Please place them in the box under the Girlfriends bulletin board.

3 “in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” Prayer List Katie Reynolds – at Baptist Health #520 this week for tests. Mildred Bailey – St. Mary’s #384 after surgery for a broken hip. Jamie Sorrells – knee surgery Friday, March 12, at St. Mary’s. Nadine Jones – at home after shoulder replacement March 4. Meme Pitney – tests this month for back and leg pain. Kristin Bailey’s mother suffered a stroke last week.

4 Exodus WeekDateTopic 110 Mar 10Exodus – Transitions: An Introduction 217 Mar 10God’s Preparation of Israel: Exodus 1-4 (Ben) 324 Mar 10God’s Sovereignty: Exodus 5-11 431 Mar 10God’s Redemption: Exodus 12:1-13:16 507 Apr10God’s Completion: Exodus 13:17-15:21 614 Apr 10God’s Instructions to Israel: Exodus 15:22-18:27 721 Apr 10Mosaic Covenant: Exodus 19:1-24:11 828 Apr 10Dwelling Among His People: Exodus 24:12-31:18 905 May 10Breaking/Renewing the Covenant: Exodus 32-34 1012 May 10Senior Blessing Night – No classes 1119 May 10Israel’s Worship: Exodus 35-40 1226 May 10New Testament Implications 1302 Jun 10Exodus – Transitions: A Summary

5 Today’s Objectives Transition from Genesis to Exodus Provide an historical background on Exodus along with a timeline and maps Cover main points of Exodus Provide a chapter-by-chapter topical overview Provide a summary of key events in each chapter Review historical lessons Review lessons from Exodus that are applicable today

6 Genesis Creation of the world First human family Spread of evil World wide flood Division of mankind into nations and languages God chooses the FATHERS of the future nation of Israel Four Generations – grow from 1 couple to 70 people But how did they get to Egypt? Descendents of Abraham relocate from Canaan to Egypt

7 Children of Jacob (Genesis 30:1-24, 49:1-27)



10 Facts about Exodus Second book of the Hebrew Bible Second of five books of the Torah or Pentateuch –Torah is the law Meaning of the word Exodus –Greek exodos, meaning departure, taken around 300 BC –Hebrew title is Shemot, meaning “and these are the names” Exodus, along with the other four books of the Pentateuch, are attributed to Moses

11 Timeline 1 Ki 6:1 states Solomon built the Temple in the fourth year of his reign, 480 years after the Exodus or 967 BC Date of Exodus is approximately 1447 BC Two possible Pharaoh’s of the Exodus –Amenhotep II (1450-1425 BC), son of Thutmose III –Thutmose III Moses was 80 years old when he spoke to Pharaoh (Ex 7:7) –Therefore, Moses was born sometime around 1527 BC –Thutmose I reigned during Moses’ birth

12 Main Points of Exodus God’s miraculous rescue of Israel from Egypt through Moses Covenant law given at Mount Sinai. The tabernacle as the place of God’s presence and Israel’s proper worship God’s revelation of himself and his character Israel’s tendency to complain and rebel against God God’s judgment and mercy toward his people when they rebel Exodus narrates the very crucial matters that define Israel as a people in relationship to God

13 Chapters 1-10 Chapter 1 – New Pharaoh and Midwives Chapter 2 – Moses Born, Taught, Midian Chapter 3 – Burning Bush Revelation Chapter 4 – Staff, Hand, Blood, Egypt Chapter 5 – Make More Bricks Chapter 6 – Moses, Tell Pharaoh Chapter 7 – Staff, Serpents, Nile Blood Chapter 8 – Frogs, Lice, Flies Chapter 9 – Disease, Boils, Hail Chapter 10 – Locust, Darkness

14 Chapters 11-20 Chapter 11 – Predicts Death Chapter 12 – Passover, Death, Exodus Chapter 13 – Sanctify Firstborn Chapter 14 – Red Sea Deliverance Chapter 15 – Moses’ Song, Bitter Water Chapter 16 – Manna and Quail Chapter 17 – Rephidum, No Water, Amelek Chapter 18 – Jethro Advises Moses Chapter 19 – Mt. Sinai, holy priest Nation Chapter 20 – Ten Commandments

15 Chapters 20-32 Chapter 21 – Slaves, Personal Injury Chapter 22 – Laws, Restitution, Loans Chapter 23 – Justice, Sabbaths, Conquest Chapter 24 – Book of the Covenant, Stone Tablets Chapter 25-27 – Tabernacle Chapter 28 – Priest Uniform Chapter 29 – Consecrate Tabernacle and Priests Chapter 30 – Altar, Money, Laver, Oil, Incense Chapter 31 – Builders, Sabbath, Tablets Chapter 32 – Golden Calf

16 Chapters 33-40 Chapter 33 – Moses Face to Face with the Lord Chapter 34 – Ten Commandments and Shining Face Chapter 35 – Freewill Offerings for Tabernacle Chapter 36 – Excess Offerings, Curtains, Boards, Veil Chapter 37 – Mercy Seat, Table, Lampstand, Altar Chapter 38 – Brass Altar, Laver, Court Chapter 39 – Priests Clothes, Inspection Passed Chapter 40 – Set Up and Anoint Tabernacle, Lord’s Glory

17 Exodus Ch. 1-2:25 Growth of the Israelite nation –Moses is born and grows up in the Pharaoh’s house –Later sides with his own people, leaving the life of prosperity and comfort –Like Moses, Jesus left his high position (Phil 2:5-7) Oppression of the Israelites by the Egyptians. –King Herod orders all the Hebrew boys under the age of two to be murdered –Exodus 1:22 is the OT parallel to Matthew 2

18 Exodus Ch. 3-6:27 Call of Moses –An angel of the Lord speaks to Moses at Mt. Horeb through a burning bush –Most likely synonymous with Sinai, the scene of the giving of the Law, and also of Elijah's vision Commission of Moses –Deliver God’s people from the oppression of Egypt –Moses feels like he is not adequate enough to handle such a task and wants God to send someone else instead

19 Exodus 6:28-15:21 Confrontation with Pharaoh Nine plagues, strike at the heart of idolatry –Water turned to blood –Frogs –Gnats –Flies –Livestock –Boils –Hail –Locusts –Darkness And a tenth, death of the first born

20 Exodus 6:28-15:21 Weaving together of the institution of the Passover with the narrative of the tenth plague –Passing over the destroying angel (also 1 Cor 5:7) –Has been related to the Lord’s Supper as a remembrance of the price paid for our escape from sin Jews escape slavery in Egypt –Parallel with escaping slavery of sin Parting of the Red Sea –God’s people saved through water –See 1 Cor 10:2

21 Exodus 15:22-18:27 Journey to Mount Sinai –Not to soon after all these miraculous things God does, the Israelites start to grumble and complain! NO WATER!! –Then they grumble about not having enough food –These moments of grumbling and lack of faith are a foreshadow of what is to happen throughout Israelite history

22 Exodus 19:1-24:11 The Covenant is given at Mount Sinai –God combines his deliverance of Israel “on eagles wings” with the call to obedience and his adoption of them as his own treasured possession 10 Commandments are given –Shows the fundamental responsibility to God and each other –Way of life is completely changed Promise of divine guidance and conquest of the land of Canaan –Predicated upon their obedience to God Covenant is ratified

23 Exodus 24:12-31:18 Instructions regarding the Tabernacle –Place of God’s presence among the Israelites –Very detailed instructions on construction/contents –Brings honor to God and dignity to how they worshipped

24 Exodus 32:1-34:35 Rebellion –Moses goes up Sinai to receive more instructions –His brother Aaron and the Israelites remain below Breaking of the Covenant –People grow weary –People construct idols and begin worshipping them Renewal of the Covenant –Moses intercedes, saving the Israelites from destruction

25 Exodus 35:1-40:38 Tabernacle –Construction –Furnishings –Further highlights the significance of the Tabernacle as a place of God’s presence among the Israelites Tabernacle is set up and the glory of God descends –Reminder of God’s presence with the people

26 Key Historical Lessons Obey God, not man (1) Preparation for service (2-4) God’s glory and character (3, 33-34) Importance of God’s word (3, 4, 20) Authority (4, 19) Hardening of the heart (4, 7-10, 14) Faith application (3-5) Fear of the Lord (14) Unbelief (4, 14-17)

27 Key Historical Lessons Leadership (14, 18, 33) Priestly nation (19) Sin (4, 14-17, 20) Passover (12-13) Redemption (12) Divine Guidance (13) Heritage (13) Mosaic Law (20-40) Grace (32) Tabernacle (40)

28 Lessons for Today Ex. 1 & 2 – The beginning of Exodus tells us that God’s working, even when we don’t see Him Ex. 6:6-8 – Exodus tells us of a God who’s very involved in the lives of His people Ex. 2:11-22 – Like Moses, we need to stand up for God Ex. 9:34-35 – BEWARE. If we get to a point where we know all the answers, or if we’re unwilling to make any more changes in our lives, then, like Pharaoh, we’ve stopped listening to God, our hearts have hardened

29 Lessons for Today Ex. 12:11-14 – Jesus is coming for his people and we have faith in his promises. We eat today as though God’s promises have already taken place. That’s faith Ex 19:3-8 – God seeks relationship with us before He demands obedience Ex 20 – We can’t ignore God’s laws

30 Exodus Route

31 Review Provided a background from Genesis and its’ applicability to Exodus Provided an historical background on Exodus along with a timeline and maps Covered main points of Exodus Provided a chapter-by-chapter topical overview Provided a summary of key events in each chapter Reviewed historical lessons Reviewed lessons from Exodus that are applicable today Next week: Exodus 1-4, God’s Preparation

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