Sharing Your Faith Lesson 9: Review of Evangelizing Your Community (Ch. 6)

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Presentation on theme: "Sharing Your Faith Lesson 9: Review of Evangelizing Your Community (Ch. 6)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sharing Your Faith Lesson 9: Review of Evangelizing Your Community (Ch. 6)

2 Overview August 13: North, “Ministry Evangelism” August 20: North, “Conversion & Follow-Up” August 27: … Next Quarter …

3 Evangelizing Your Community North, Stafford. Evangelizing Your Community. Nashville, TN: 21 st Century Christian, 2007. Original publication: 1973

4 Thesis Acts 2:47 “having favor with all the people.” Acts 2:47 “having favor with all the people.” Acts 5:13 “the people held them in high esteem. “ Acts 5:13 “the people held them in high esteem. “ Are there practical things the church can do to more fully accomplish this result?

5 Creating an Evangelistic Congregation

6 Ministry Evangelism “We need to find some members of our congregation who want to make local outreach their area of specialization. Just as some members will be devoting their primary service to the church through teaching classes or benevolent work, we need some who will make local outreach the area that engages their primary thought and action.” (74)

7 Ministry Evangelism Who would this be? Local Evangelism Committee Local Evangelism Committee Local Outreach Ministry/Minister Local Outreach Ministry/Minister Deacon Over Local Evangelism Deacon Over Local Evangelism Etc. Etc. The key is that this needs to be their primary job, not one among many “top priorities.”

8 Ministry Evangelism 1. Quick follow-up on every local visitor. Getting Information On Guests (75-76) Getting Information On Guests (75-76) – Visitor cards – Greeters – Visitor center in foyer/lobby – Bible class leaders – Train members on what to do with visitors – In large churches, visitor parking and entrance – Name tags

9 Ministry Evangelism Following-up With Visitors (76-78) Following-up With Visitors (76-78) – Phone calls – Letter – Personal visit – Mailing lists

10 Ministry Evangelism 2. Develop a strategy to convert non-Christians who attend regularly. Encourage families to set up social events that include regular guests Encourage families to set up social events that include regular guests Decide who could best talk to this person Decide who could best talk to this person Try to get the person in a small group Bible study Try to get the person in a small group Bible study Encourage them to attend a Bible class Encourage them to attend a Bible class Try to make a connection to a member Try to make a connection to a member Get them involved/interested in a project Get them involved/interested in a project

11 Ministry Evangelism 3. Develop a strategy for recovering those who have strayed. Make a list of names Make a list of names Have a special Sunday for this purpose and contact your list Have a special Sunday for this purpose and contact your list

12 Ministry Evangelism 4. Develop a strategy for those who have attended several times or several events. Check for pattern of visits Check for pattern of visits Put on special mailing list Put on special mailing list See if they live near a member See if they live near a member Start a home Bible study and invite them Start a home Bible study and invite them Offer correspondence course (or online) Offer correspondence course (or online) Special invitation Special invitation Get children involved in classes or youth activities Get children involved in classes or youth activities

13 Ministry Evangelism 5. Start a “community Bible class” or “seekers class.” Designed for non-members Designed for non-members Members allowed only if they have brought a guest Members allowed only if they have brought a guest Discussion oriented, with interesting topics Discussion oriented, with interesting topics

14 Ministry Evangelism 6. Develop events which serve the needs of non-members. Marriage seminar Marriage seminar Recovery programs Recovery programs Financial management Financial management

15 Ministry Evangelism 7. Plan events to connect members with non- members. 8. Encourage every other ministry to be evangelistic. Education is guest friendly Education is guest friendly Benevolence gets information Benevolence gets information Building and grounds is guest friendly Building and grounds is guest friendly Youth groups, women’s groups, men’s groups Youth groups, women’s groups, men’s groups Hospital visitation Hospital visitation

16 Ministry Evangelism 9. Conducting Bible studies. Develop network of home and individual Bible studies. 10. Training membership in evangelism.

17 Sharing Your Faith Lesson 9: Review of Evangelizing Your Community (Ch. 6)

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