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for your support of Cooperative Program Missions and Mission Georgia!

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Presentation on theme: "for your support of Cooperative Program Missions and Mission Georgia!"— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 Annual Church Report Leadership Profile Other Church Information Paper Form Training

2 for your support of Cooperative Program Missions and Mission Georgia!

3 Internet Accessible to GBC Churches & Missions
New Free Understanding your Mission Field & How to Reach Them Internet Accessible to GBC Churches & Missions

4 Forms, Helps, Videos & ACR Info

5 Why Complete Your ACR? Completing the Annual Church Report can help your church: Record an historical testimony to the work that God is doing in and through your congregation Provide trends and illustrate change in areas like membership, baptisms, small groups and giving Aid a pastor search committee to review church information for prospective candidates from any congregation in the Southern Baptist Convention Plan for classroom growth and meeting space analysis Provide financial information over long periods of time which can help secure a building loan Determine the number of messengers to the GBC and SBC annual meetings based on membership and missions giving.

6 Why Complete Your ACR? Completing the Annual Church Report can help your association, state convention and Southern Baptist Convention: Plan for new church starts and missions Develop strategies to strengthen churches Prioritize areas in the state/nation for strategic evangelism efforts Identify church staff and lay leadership for possible training, leadership opportunities and conferences.

7 2015 Annual Church Report Leadership Profile Other Church Information Paper Form Training

8 Paper Form

9 Login for iGO & Church Information
0123 Sample Baptist Church Milledgeville UGA Washington 123456 E366DF Jane Churchclerk Fields in red above are preprinted for your convenience. Please enter ACR contact name and address or phone number.

10 Membership & Worship Attendance
8 9 Total members: Everyone on the church membership roll – active, inactive, resident and non-resident. Resident members: Active and inactive members who live close enough to come to church. Average weekly worship attendance: On a typical Sunday, how many people attend your primary worship service(s)? (Including children’s church and nursery.)

11 Baptisms & Other Additions
6 1 1 Total baptisms: The number of people who were baptized in the last 12 months (associational year – Sept 1, 2014 to Aug 31, 2015) Other additions: The number of people who joined your church in the last 12 months by letter or statement (other than by baptism)

12 Music Participation 3 1 2 2 1 Music Participation: The total number of people in your church who are actively involved in choirs (all ages), ensembles, musicians. Primary worship services: Most churches have one primary Sunday morning worship service, but some do more. This does not include Sunday evening unless it is the same message as Sunday morning.

13 Music Participation 3 1 2 2 1 Worship style for each service: Please indicate by 1, 2 or 3 the style of music that best describes your worship experience: 1 – Traditional, hymns 2 – Blended, multi-generational 3 – Contemporary (current music heard on contemporary radio stations)

14 Budget Receipts & Offerings WHOLE DOLLAR AMOUNTS ONLY
No commas or periods Total = Undes + Des/Oth Undesignated receipts: total amount of all gifts which the congregation decides how the money will be spent (by its budget or other means). This includes regular budget offerings and loose monies from the offering. Designated & other receipts: Designated offerings are intended for a specific purpose such as a building fund, new van, Lottie Moon, Mission Georgia, VBS, etc.) Other receipts include monies from rentals, interest, etc.

15 Men’s & Women’s Ministry
2 5 1 7 3 3 Men’s Ministry: includes men and boys involved in RAs, Challengers, Baptist Men, Men’s retreats and conferences, Men’s Prayer Breakfasts, Bible study groups, outdoor ministries, etc. (count each person only once) WMU: include adults and children involved in Mission Friends, GAs, CAs, Acteens, Youth on Mission, and other WMU programs and ministries (count each person only once)

16 Men’s & Women’s Ministry
2 5 1 7 3 3 Women’s Ministry: includes women and girls involved in ministries, mission activities, Bible studies and programs specifically for women – other than WMU (count each person only once)

17 Men’s & Women’s Ministry
Check all that apply: if you have men, women, boys or girls involved in any of these ministries or programs then please mark the circle to the left.

18 Sunday School Traditional Sunday School Ongoing Sunday Mornings
On Church Campus All ages 9 1 6 7 8 Sunday School Enrollment: total number of people (all ages) involved in or enrolled in Sunday morning Sunday School. Average Sunday School Attendance: average number of people who attended or were regularly involved in a Sunday School class or group each week. Include all ages, but not counting anyone twice.

19 Sunday School Traditional Sunday School Ongoing Sunday Mornings
On Church Campus All Ages 9 1 6 7 8 # of Sunday School classes or groups: this is NOT the number of class rooms used for Sunday School, but rather the number of groups meeting in classroom space for Sunday School (all age groups from nursery to seasoned adults)

20 Small Groups Note: people may be involved in both Sunday morning Sunday School and other ongoing Bible study small groups. Count in both places if applicable. 2 1 1 7 2 Small Group Enrollment: total number of people involved or enrolled in ONGOING Bible study small groups other than Sunday AM Sunday School Average Small Group Attendance: average number of people who attended an ONGOING Bible study small group each week during the reporting year. Include all ages, but not counting anyone twice

21 Small Groups Note: people may be involved in both Sunday morning Sunday School and other ongoing Bible study small groups. Count in both places if applicable. 2 1 1 7 2 # of Small Groups (not people): the total number of unique, ongoing Bible study small groups meeting during the last 12 months. Includes groups meeting in a home, apartment, restaurant, office, nursing home, prison, etc. This even includes groups meeting at church other than Sunday morning for ongoing Bible study (e.g., weekly Tues AM Ladies Bible Study)

22 Discipleship Groups Note: the difference between this and the previous small group category is that these classes or groups are short-term; for a specific period of time. 8 3 7 # of people involved in discipleship classes or groups: total number of people (all ages) involved in short-term discipleship activities or groups such as spiritual-growth classes, TeamKid, AWANA, Bible Drill, support groups, new member classes, Beth Moore studies, Experiencing God, etc.

23 Discipleship Groups Note: the difference between this and the previous small group category is that these classes or groups are short-term; for a specific period of time. 8 3 7 # of discipleship classes or groups: the number of unique classes or groups that met for short-term discipleship purposes over the last 12 months When do your discipleship groups meet? Choose all that apply by filling in the applicable circle.

24 Vacation Bible School 8 VBS Enrollment: total number of workers and children enrolled in Vacation Bible School in 2015 VBS average daily attendance: the average number of workers and children involved each day in your 2015 Vacation Bible School Salvation decisions: the number of children (or adults) that made a salvation decision during your 2015 Vacation Bible School

25 Church Mission Field Location
What ONE geographic area best describes where your church building is located? Country / Rural Small Town Suburbs Urban / Large City Note: do not be concerned about U.S. Census measures for urban vs rural. Use your best discernment as you consider your mission field area.

26 SBC Mission Gifts Received in Last 12 Months
NOTE: Georgia only counts monies contributed to Southern Baptist agencies and SBC missions causes. Do not include monies given to non-SBC groups, organizations, individuals or monies raised for local mission trips and projects. Total SBC Great Commission Gifts: add all gifts itemized in a - f.

27 Missions Participation
NOTE: please distinguish between ongoing ministry activities versus short-term mission projects. This area is specifically for local to international mission activities. 7 2 5 4 Missions Participation: total number of persons in your congregation who participated in mission projects such as World Changers, Disaster Relief, Baptist Builders, Acteen Activators, Volunteer Connection, construction, church planting, evangelism, Bible clubs, surveys, etc. Persons may be counted for each missions project they worked on.

28 Church Planting & Mission Georgia Speaker
Please indicate if you’d like to be contacted about church planting or having a Mission Georgia speaker. If so, please provide name and contact information. Rev. John Smith

29 Definitions Definitions are provided on the back of the ACR form. If you need further assistance please contact Research Services at: or

30 Once You’ve Completed Your ACR
Review all entries for accuracy. Comparing this year’s report with the previous year might be helpful in assessing anomalies. Double-check the totals of itemized categories. Make a copy of this form for your records. Do not staple this form together with any others. Return the original ACR form to your Association or the Georgia Baptist Convention depending on the return envelope you received.

31 2015 Annual Church Report Leadership Profile Other Church Information Paper Form Training

32 Mailing & Physical Addresses
Instructions Mailing & Physical Addresses Position contact information Name Address City, State, Zip Phone Status (FT, PT, BIVO, etc) Start Date

33 2015 Annual Church Report Leadership Profile Other Church Information Paper Form Training

34 Return to Your Association
Complete the Other Church Information Form as requested by your Association. Some associations will have customized versions. You will be provided with the appropriate form in paper and using iGO online. Representatives on Assoc Exec Board Messengers to Association Missions operated by Church Change in Pastor Ministers licensed during the year Ministers ordained during the year Historical events Members deceased during the year Other? (depending on your association) Return to Your Association or GBC as instructed


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