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Horizons Ch. 6. The united colony of British Columbia was far from strong and had a weak economy: End of the gold rush Decline of the fur trade Population.

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1 Horizons Ch. 6

2 The united colony of British Columbia was far from strong and had a weak economy: End of the gold rush Decline of the fur trade Population of 40,000 – 30,000 were Aboriginal and only a few well established communities with small populations. Rest of pop = scattered through BC Victoria – 4000 Nanaimo – 700 – coal mining area New Westminster - 1000

3 3 Groups emerged about Confederation: 1) a small group of people, mostly HBC, favoured remaining a Crown Colony with a Governor and a representative government 2) another group thought they should join the US Many business people were encouraged by Americans who wanted to “annex” BC 3) another group promoted the idea of “union” with the Dominion of Canada Amor de Cosmos used his newspaper “The British Colonist” to promote union GB govt. favoured BC joining Confederation The Governor was encouraged to support this idea

4 May 10, 1870 – 3 delegates left Victoria for Ottawa to negotiate BC’s entry into Confederation BC would join, but they wanted… Responsible government Federal govt. would take over their debt ($1 million!) A wagon road across Prairies and through mountains They were offered even better terms! Offered a railway BC would have its debt paid AND receive a subsidy of $35,000 + yearly capital grant until population grew to 400,000 ** July 20, 1871 – BC entered Confederation

5 PEI Joins Confederation: PEI had turned down Confederation in 1867 but now Islanders were having second thoughts By 1873, PEI was in debt trying to build a RR and joining Canada seemed like a good idea July 1, 1873 – PEI joined Confederation: Canada provided $800,000 to buy back Island land from absentee landlords in GB Canada took over their debts Canada promised year round ferry service to mainland Canada promised telegraph service

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