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Consciousness Means awareness. Consciousness Consciousness: awereness of oneself and one’s environment. Altered state of consciousness: A type of consciousness.

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Presentation on theme: "Consciousness Means awareness. Consciousness Consciousness: awereness of oneself and one’s environment. Altered state of consciousness: A type of consciousness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consciousness Means awareness

2 Consciousness Consciousness: awereness of oneself and one’s environment. Altered state of consciousness: A type of consciousness other than normal walking consciousness. Rapid eye movement sleep: A stage of sleep characterized by rapid eye movements and linked to dreaming. Insomnia: A sleep disorder characterized by recurring problems in falling asleep or staying sleep Sleep apnea: A sleep disorder in which breathing is interrupted. Meditation: A system narrowing of attention that slows the metabolism and helps produce feelings of relaxation. Bifeedback Depressant: A drug that reduces neural activity ans slow body function.

3 Stimulant: A drug that increase neural activity ans speeds up body function. Detoxification: The removal of a poisonous or other harmful substance, such as alchohol or other drugs, from the body.

4 htgyht There is more than one type of awereness A. Sensory Awareness: aware of things outside yourself ex. Raindrops, leaves, smell of pizza. B. Direct Inner Awareness: Being aware of things inside yourself ex. Anger, love, fairness. C. Sense of self that each person experiences. Being aware of ourselves and our existance.

5 Consciousness If it was not for cues such as the sunrise and sunset, people would act as if a day were 25 hours long. The only time people dream is just before they wake up. It is possible to hypnotize any person at any time. People who are drunk always know that they are drunk. Smoking leads to more deaths in the United States than automobile accidents do.

6 Consciousness Does Consciousness exist? We can theorize as to how sleep or alcohol affects cinsciousness and devise in certain ways of testing theories. When people behave in a certain way, we may conclude that the behaviors result from, say, intellegence even thought there is no way to be certain. Although consciousness cannot ti be seen or touch, it is real enough to most people.


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