Presentation by Clifford T. Johnson, PE, Control Systems Engineer

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation by Clifford T. Johnson, PE, Control Systems Engineer"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation by Clifford T. Johnson, PE, Control Systems Engineer
Loop Diagrams Chapter 7 Honeywell Chapter 3 Instrumentation and Control Systems Documentation Loop Diagrams are most important for technicians Presentation by Clifford T. Johnson, PE, Control Systems Engineer Today Instrumentation ELC-213

2 Control Modes, Proportional. Reset & Rate
Assignment , Lab & video Loop Diagrams Control Modes, Proportional. Reset & Rate Today Assignment & Lab ELC-213

3 ISA Definitions These are excepts from the ISA Comprehensive Dictionary of Instrumentation and Control page 168 covering LOOP ISA Loop Definition ELC-213

4 ICSD Chapter 7 Loop Diagrams
A better definition is: A single stand alone device is NOT a loop ICSD Loop Diagrams ELC-213

5 Instrument Loop Identification
Chapter 7, Pg. 141 details The P&ID is where the actual loops are defined and receive their tagging and Loop numbers. The devices are then entered into the Instrument Index, the the specification sheet is created, the IOM is received and it would be at this point that the loop sheet can be developed ICSD Loop Identification ELC-213

6 left up to the designer and engineer as they see fit
Loop Diagram Symbols Instruments ISA symbols are generally used to depict Instruments and control devices with the addition of terminals or ports Other devices Tanks, piping, etc are left up to the designer and engineer as they see fit ICSD Loop Symbols ELC-213

7 Energy Supply Electrical, Pneumatic, and other requirements for operating the instrumentation and control devices must be clearly identified by the sources such as electrical breakers and air supplies. Not just what it is, but where is it coming from. ICSD Loop Energy ELC-213

8 Instrument Action ICSD Instrument Action ELC-213

9 Loop Diagram Field Area
ICSD Loop area ELC-213

10 Loop Diagram most common
ICSD Loop Diagram ELC-213

11 Loop Diagram complex ICSD Complex Diagram ELC-213

12 You must show solenoid operation
Loop Diagram SIS You must show solenoid operation Download from Resources and Fill in Tags, correct the symbols as necessary, Show actual wiring with numbers and colors and Fill in Title Block Lab SIS Loop Sheet ELC-213

13 Loop Diagram for a fieldbus

14 Summary: Loop Diagrams
Next to the the P&ID, the Loop Diagram (or Sheet) is the most Important document for the Instrument Technician. Do not let the contractor create the loop sheets. He does not have the proper experienced people to do a good job. There are a few good Instrument Database software applications that make the job easier with fewer errors Properly developed they will greatly assist the technician to troubleshoot a control problem. Cliff T Johnson, PE, Control Systems Engineer Instructor, CPCC, ELC-213 & PCI-162 Summary Loop Diagram ELC-213

15 Honeywell Chapter 3 Modes of Control

16 Honeywell Chapter 3 On-Off ( HVAC)

17 Honeywell Chapter 3 Propotional Band 100%

18 Honeywell Chapter 3 Propotional Band 20%

19 Honeywell Chapter 3 Propotional Band 200%

20 Honeywell Chapter 3 Reset (Integral) Action

21 Homework ASSIGNMENT Web Link
Find an example of a Loop Diagram on the web, web page LINK only to me, do NOT images or web pages All s Subjects and File names must have Subject:Your last Name-Subject-Assignment Date (AD) subjects Ex: Johnson-LoopLink-AD File name Ex: Johnson-Loop- AD.vsd You will lose 1-3 points for incorrect subject Subjects Assignment ELC-213

22 The End End Instrumentation ELC-213

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