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What is advocacy Advocacy is the act of pleading or arguing in favor of something, such as a cause, idea, or policy; active support (American Heritage.

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Presentation on theme: "What is advocacy Advocacy is the act of pleading or arguing in favor of something, such as a cause, idea, or policy; active support (American Heritage."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is advocacy Advocacy is the act of pleading or arguing in favor of something, such as a cause, idea, or policy; active support (American Heritage Dictionary).

2 Advocacy and assertiveness in the school library Or Making your way into the Dragons Den and getting what you need for your school’s library

3 You are not alone Advocacy is happening right now all over the place in all library sectors. Advocacy is necessary because of changing times and new library services which have evolved because of economic and other factors.

4 Wise words “The extent to which a school library can effectively meet the needs of learners and educators within the school is determined by the levels of collaboration with the rest of the school community”. Start with the Child. CILIP. Report 2002

5 What is your position in the school right now Who are the people you work with now? Are they well placed to help you? Who could you target? Where could you get an ‘in’?

6 No begging behaviour

7 Why strong school libraries Improve student achievement Foster literacy Produce a tech savvy workforce Nurture life-long learning Create engaged citizens Ensure a better future

8 What works to promote school libraries Marketing for awareness Promotion of resources and activities Working with staff Offering to be involved in student work Working on your ‘place’ Bringing something special to your school Telling anybody and eveybody about how cool our libraries are Evidence

9 Information is power Go to staff briefing Go to staff meetings Go to PD Get onto ICT PD Go to National Library PD Go to SLANZA meetings

10 Lion roaring not mouse squeaking

11 Who do you want using the library? Everyone! It is about reading, learning, engagement and inclusion For the whole school

12 Target the cool kids Cool kids market the library to other kids better than uncool kids! Don’t alienate the uncool kids - they may be your hard core users.

13 Look after the people who already use the library

14 Love your job!

15 Can do attitude “ Successful people rarely confuse a can-do attitude with a smart plan. But they realize that one without the other is unlikely to get you very far ”. Seth Grodin

16 Shout out your successes In your newsletters In your staff room In your bedroom In the board room Get people talking about how good you are, they won’t know if you don’t tell them!

17 Here is what I did! Targeted library friendly teachers Bought resources for their areas. Encouraged them to book the library Discouraged them from booking anything last period Worked and worked with them Developed an information literacy programme with them Bought books the staff like to read

18 Launch The Charm offensive Smile –It should be in your position description –It is good for you –It helps get people onside –It creates an attitudinal change

19 Be professional Be visible Look the part Talk the talk Learn the lingo Use the terminology of teachers Get involved Get educated  Actual school librarian!

20 Everyone needs Access to the board A copy of the school goals A copy of the curriculum A voice on senior management An advocate high up in the school Good library users on the staff

21 You can’t win every time “If you aren’t occasionally failing at something, you’re probably setting your sights way too low” Soichiro Honda

22 Hike up your knowledge Learn some new things Don’t become irrelevant Keep up with the students Keep one step ahead of the staff Demonstrate your usefulness Go to Professional Development and then use it.

23 ERO Focus in learning and collaboration Be prepared Get your policies up to date Talk to them if you get the chance Ask what they see in other schools that they think is great

24 Learn new skills - NOW!

25 Aggression versus Assertiveness Niceness gets you more than nastiness. Offer the If …. If you have a win put it in a timeframe - When? Be grateful - but not too grateful

26 No resting on laurels Once you get it right you have to reflect and review It is never ever done! If the game changes, so will you have to Pay attention!

27 It doesn’t have to be a nightmare!

28 Lets talk tactics! Best marketing practice? What doesn’t work?

29 Confession time Put your hand up if you feel that your school is right up there in the loved, valued and adored stakes in your school.

30 Stand and deliver


32 Photo Attributions 姒儿喵喵 姒儿喵喵 /o/ /o/ Not all of the attributions are on here. I have them on a different slide at home if anybody is looking for them. Or you can check my account on Flickr - libraryBridget

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