5 on 5 Intramural Basketball Captain’s Meeting 2012-2013 Presented by the TCNJ Intramural Department.

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1 5 on 5 Intramural Basketball Captain’s Meeting 2012-2013 Presented by the TCNJ Intramural Department

2 Intramural Staff Deborah Simpson Director of Intramurals and Club Sports 609-771-2190 dsimpson@tcnj.edu Ed Dean Assistant Intramural and Club Sport Coordinator 609-771-2190 deane@tcnj.edu Anthony Johnson Intramural Assistant johnsa12@tcnj.edu www.imleagues.com/tcnj http://www.tcnj.edu/~intramur/ Scott Wagenblast Intramural Assistant wagenbs1@tcnj.edu

3 T-Shirt Color Policy  Teams are required to wear color-coordinated shirts with number for their athletic contests  Important for scorekeepers to keep track of personal fouls  Failure to have shirts by 3 rd game will result in free throws for opposing team  Scrimmage vests will be given out if two teams are wearing the same color

4 Roster Form  Rosters will be accessed on IMleagues.com  Captains can manager their rosters from their team site  All participants must create an account on Imleagues  If they fail to create an account they are not eligible to play in the playoffs!  Teammates can be added to the roster at game time  Make sure all contact information is correct!  If we cannot contact a team representative you may miss important information and subject to forfeiture

5 Insurance  Students are required to have health insurance in order to participate in Intramurals

6 Proper Attire  No jewelry of any kind!  This includes necklaces, earrings, watches, bracelets, rubber bands, nose rings, belly rings, etc.  Jewelry cannot be taped down  No bare feet, flip flops, or open-toed shoes  Soft casts are permitted  Shirts must be worn at all times  Knee braces are permitted with protective covering and approved by the on-site Intramural Supervisor

7 Captain’s Responsibilities  Inform team of intramural rules  Available online at http://www.tcnj.edu/~intramur/ or on IMleagueshttp://www.tcnj.edu/~intramur/  Proper sign-in with intramural supervisor  15-30 minutes before game  TCNJ ID card:  No Exceptions!!  Team schedules, standings, rules, rankings, updates, photos, announcements will be available on website  Team captains will be emailed or called for special circumstances (cancellations, forfeits, etc.)  Will be posted online first, so check before calling  WEATHER CANCELLATIONS CAPTAINS WILL BE NOTIFIED (i.e. snow)

8 Leagues  Men’s A (Competitive)  Men’s B (Recreational)  Women’s  Co-Recreational (Co-ed)  Participants can only play on one (1) like gender-team and a Co-Rec team  Ex. Male can only play on a Men’s A team and a Co-Rec team, not on both a Men’s A and Men’s B teams

9 Basketball Season  Season will start Wednesday, November 26 th  Games will be played Monday and Wednesday, 7-11pm  All games played at Student Recreation Center  Teams may play 1-2 games per week  Captains will be notified and emailed when schedule is available  Please arrive 15-20 minutes early to sign in for your game  Game time is forfeit time! Given 5-minute grace period to field a team!

10 Forfeits  Entry fees ($25) can be turned tonight at the Captain’s meeting  No Cash! Checks payable to The College of New Jersey  Teams who forfeit will be charged a $10, which must be paid before the next game!

11 Eligibility All students, faculty, and staff may participate in the Intramural program. A student is defined as a person enrolled in The College of New Jersey that is paying a student activity fee. All part-time students and non-matriculated students who have been assessed an activity fee are eligible to participate. Faculty/Staff members may organize their own teams. However, they may play on the same team with students as well.

12 Eligibility  Ex-Varsity players will be permitted to participate in intramurals under the following guidelines:  An ex-Varsity player is defined as any player who won a varsity letter  In the A-league only 3 ex-Varsity players will be allowed per team  Players who participated in varsity sports more than 5 years ago are not considered varsity athletes any more  Individuals who are participating in a collegiate sport for the current season will be ineligible to participate in that intramural sport Teams using illegal players will be suspended!

13 Protests PROTESTS INVOLVING JUDGEMENT CALLS BY AN OFFICIAL WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED! A protest can only be made based on rule interpretation or player eligibility. All rules can be found on the Intramural webpage. Protest must be put into writing and sent to Intramural Director and Assistant within 24 hours of the contest.

14 Player Ejection  Participants who are ejected from their contest must meet with the Intramural Director and Assistant Coordinator before they are allowed to play in another contest  Penalty can range from sitting out halves/games and suspension of a specified date

15 Referees  Remember they are students too! They don’t deserved to be abused!  Judgment calls can’t be argued or protested!  Without student officials we wouldn’t be playing!

16 IM Basketball Rules  National High School Federation rules govern all play not covered in intramural rules  Teams consist of 5 players  Need at least 4 to start!  Intramural Department will provide basketballs  All substitutes must check in at scorer’s table and beckoned in by officials  NO DUNKING! RESULTS IN TECHNICAL FOUL AND PLAYER EJECTION!

17 IM Basketball Rules  Games consist of two 20-minute halves. Running clock until last 2 minutes. Clock will then stop for:  All whistles and shooting fouls  Timeouts  Deadballs  2 timeouts per half. Team must have ball position to call timeout. Timeouts do not advance the ball up-court. Timeouts do not carry-over.  Regulation and overtime starts with a jump ball. Second half begins with a throw-in.  Mercy Rule: Game will be declared over if a team is up by 30 points at or after 10 minutes remaining in the game.  OVERTIME: 5 minute period with one time out per team. Fouls carry over from regulation. Clock stops during the last minute.

18 IM Basketball Rules  Players can accumulate 5 personal fouls before being disqualified. Bonus situations:  7 th team fouls-shooting one-and-one  10 th team fouls-shooting two free throws  2 Technical fouls results in player ejection  3 Technical fouls by a team results in team forfeiture  Flagrant fouls results in immediate player ejection  Foul Shots: 2 shots for a missed field goal attempt, 1 shot for a made basket, and 3 for a missed 3-point attempt  During free throw, players may not enter the lane until ball touches the rim

19 IM Basketball Rules Blocking FoulDouble Foul Shooting foul Technical foul Team- control foul Player- control foul Intentional foulPersonal foulMultiple foulsTraveling Holding Back Court Violation Out of Bounds Double dribble 3 second lane violation Five seconds closely guarded 10 Second RuleKicked ballGoaltending Officials have authority to make calls in the best interest of the game! Handcheck Moving ScreenPalmingCharging

20 Weather Issues  The Intramural Department will email and text team captains by 4pm via IMLeagues.com of any cancellations. Games will be rescheduled on a time-permitting basis.  If inclement weather develops during your game (i.e. lighting), the game will be delayed 30 minutes before being deemed safe to continue.  On-site Intramural Supervisor will make the final decision…no exceptions!

21 3-on-3 Co-Rec Rules  Teams may be comprised of 2 males and 1 female or 2 females and 1 male. A female MUST be on the court at all times.  Game length is two 7 minute halves with 1 time out per half. Overtime will be 3 minutes with one time out.  Teams will use a women’s ball.  Scoring values:  Female: Normal 2-point shot is 3 points and a normal 3-point shot is 4 points  Male: Normal point values are the same.  Ball must be checked before beginning a new possession.  All other NFHS, NIRSA, and TCNJ Intramural rules apply.

22 National and Regional Tournaments  Boston University - March 1-3 Scott Nalette snalette@bu.edu 617-353-4364 Boston University - March 1-3 snalette@bu.edu  NC State University April 13 - 15, 2012 Contact: Mary Yemma mary_yemma@ncsu.edu mary_yemma@ncsu.edu

23 Free Agents  If you do not have a team, please meet down front.  Captains who need additional players, please meet down front as well.

24 Thank You! Best of luck this season! Feel free to contact the Intramural Department at any time during the season.

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